Ch. 5- The Book of Dragons

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Ch. 5- The Book of Dragons


"------, shh!" I said to my brother. We were hiding behind the entrance to the stairs, me on one side, him on the other. We had been waiting a few minutes before we heard someone coming upstairs.

We nodded to other once each. He held up three fingers, I nodded to tell him I understood. He held one finger, then two, then three.

"Boo!" we screamed, jumping on dad. "Gotcha, dad!"

He laughed, held us both upside down, and tickled us. We squirmed and laughed but could not get away. "Looks like I got you. Come now," he set us down," time for dinner."

"Okay, Daddy," I agreed.

"Okay, dad." Brother and I raced to the table and plopped in our seats. Dad followed behind at a slower pace, but Brother and I didn't dare take a single bite of the delicious smelling food before dad took his first bite. Dad always took the very first bite, no matter what. I didn't understand why, but it was a rule. It was one of the few rules Brother and I couldn't bend or break.

Dad took the first bite, then Brother and I stuffed our mouths with food.

"Hmm. This is yummy, Daddy," I managed in between mouthfuls.

He chuckled, "Thanks, Star."

"Yes, this is amazing," Brother agreed, with his mouth full of food.

"No speak with mouth food, big brother!" I scolded.

He swallowed. "You just did!"

I swallowed and smiled. "So? I'm cute, I can get away with it."

"I'm cute, too. Tell her, dad," Brother claimed.

Dad chuckled. "Neither of you should talk with your mouths full, cute or not," he ended, taking another bite.

"Ha," Brother sung.

"We both lost, I don't know why you think you won," I pouted. I smirked, "Unless this battle was about cuteness, in which daddy didn't say you were cute, so I won. Ha!"


"Just finish eating, you two," dad chuckled. "If you behave for the rest of dinner, I'll tell you a story."

Brother and I didn't say another word unless it was to answer or respond to dad. We hurried through our dinner, finishing soon after dad did. He was a fast eater, and we rarely finished before him, even though he spent most of dinner talking. I didn't know how he did it.

After dinner, we played around some more, chasing each other around the house, before bed. Brother and I quickly got ready for bed when dad told us it was bedtime. We slipped into the bed we shared (since I was too scared to sleep by myself) and listened to dad as he told us another story.

As usual, we were both sleepy but still awake by the time he finished. He kissed our heads goodnight and wished us calm dreams. He told us to get good sleep for the busy day we had ahead of us.

The next day we were going fishing. We were both excited, me more than Brother. The next day was also the day I became lost.


I bolted straight up, and black spots clouded my vision for a few seconds. Violet's head went up as she looked at me with her big but tired green eyes. "I'm fine. It's just a dream. Sadly."

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