Ch. 7- Goodbyes are Hard

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Ch. 7- Goodbyes are Hard


"Bard, wake up. Bard, it's time to get up," I said as I gently shook him awake. It was about nine and Violet and I had just got back from our morning flight. Bard had been traveling with me for two years. He was seven years old; I was twelve.

"What? Oh! I'm up, I'm up." He quickly got ready while I made breakfast. "Ready!" he called, coming out of the forest fully dressed.

"Good. Come on, we'll eat on the way. It'll take us about fifteen minutes to walk. Violet, Amber, stay." I grabbed Bard's hand, and we walked to the village as we ate our bread and shared fish.

"Where do you want to start?"

"Well, first let's look around to see who's trading for stuff we need."

"Well, what do we need?"

I thought for a minute, "We need cloth, food and maybe a small knife for you."

"I get a knife?" I nodded. "Cool! Let's hurry. I miss Amber, already."

I chuckled, "It hasn't been that long, but I understand. Race you." We looked around and found a little bit of food, a small knife but no cloth. I sighed, "Looks like we'll have to make another stop soon. Oh well."

"We looked everywhere. Let's get going," Bard said. I agreed, wanting to get back to Amber and Violet.

"Bard? Bard, is that you?" Someone asked as we were just about to leave town.

We turned around. "Auntie? Is that you?"

"Bard! It is you," the woman wrapped her arms around him. "Who is this?" She asked, looking up at me. She turned back to Bard, who was still in her arms. "Where's your mom and dad?"

"Oh, they died about three years ago. This is Star, my new sister. I found her about two years ago, and we've been together ever since."

"Well, hello, Star. I'm Bard's Aunt Janet, you can call me Janet or Auntie if you wish." She held out her hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you."

Her face lit up, "Why don't you two live with us? Oh, it'll be wonderful and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Us?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, there's me, Uncle Kota, Snook, Shark."

"Snook and Shark?" I asked, trying my best not to snicker. Luckily, she didn't seem to notice.

"Yes, my sons. Come, come." She pushed us into a nearby house. "Kota! Snook! Shark! Come see who's here."

"Mom, what is it?" a boy Bard's age and another boy a few years older than me came down the stairs.

"Bard!" The little one yelled and ran to him.

"Hey, Snook. Nice to see you again," he laughed.

"Hello," the older boy said to me. "I'm Shark, who are you?"

"Um, I'm Star."

"Star, what a lovely name for a lovely girl." He took my hand in his and kissed it. I snatched it back and stepped back, feeling uncomfortable.

"Well," Janet gushed. "I'll give you two some privacy. Come Bard, Snook."

"What? No," I said as they left the room.

"How nice," Shark whispered in my ear. "Alone time. Let's go to my room, shall we?" Before I could say no he pulled me upstairs and into his room. He shut the door and shoved me on the bed. "You're pretty. You must be mine."

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