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p o p s

you slide into one of the booths next to betty, who was happily sipping a chocolate milkshake and talking to veronica who had an arm resting on archie's shoulder.

"y/n!" betty exclaims pulling you into a hug. she pulls back, "i haven't seen juggy anywhere have you?"

you shake your head, you were sort of a third wheel, well, fifth wheel with the 2 couples, but they still included you like the good friend you were. you didn't really mind at all, they didn't show as much affection in front of you to make you feel left out.

just then jughead walks into the diner, a big smile plastered right across his face.

"jug, you seem cheerful today." archie says as he takes a seat next to you.

jughead smiles, "just happy to see all my friends together once again." he laughs and squeezes your shoulder.

"okay guys," veronica starts, setting her hand down on the table to make a clear statement, "today it's just us 5 in riverdale, no blackhood nonsense, stuff about my dad, no nothing."

we all nod in agreement and start talking to each other about our day. then you look out the window, not realising what you were just about to see.

there stands the tall 6 foot man, with those sea green eyes and that black mask covering his face.

you see him walking into the diner but don't say anything because of the shock. archie who was sitting in front of you furrows his brows as he see you stare ahead of him, he turns his head and sees the same figure that you were staring at.

"oh my god." archie starts to panic, "the black hood!"

the next you know screams are heard throughout pop's and guns are fired.

your body on the floor, surrounded with blood as a sharp pain shoots throughout your body, making you scream out in agony.

the people beside start to panic, your friends panicking and calling the police, encouraging you to hold on.

but sometimes it's the end, and this time it was the end of you.

𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, riverdale ✔Where stories live. Discover now