Cortical Psychic Patch - TFP Megatron x reader

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Megatron POV
The human I have claimed as my charge has been feeling weird. She avoids me, only really talking to me when she needs to. Whenever theres another mech around, she talks to them on my shoulder. So, now, after much demand of what is wrong with her and a fight, I instructed Knockout to put me in her mind so I may see what is going on. "Megatron, please, don't-" It was too late. I was plunged into her mind.

As I searched all of her memories, growling at some memories with her past ex's, I finally got to a file that was titled, "Megatron". I opened the file much to (Y/n)'s disbelief. I watched as thousands of memories played, of me and her and a few others here and there. I felt her emotions. They got stronger every memory. Then I took the time to listen to her thoughts during our fight.

'He's so hot when he's angry...wait what did he say? Uhh shit come with a comeback! C'mon you daydream about this guy all the time!' My optics widened and my eyebrows arched up. She...daydreamed? She recharges in the day? I didn't know. I opened the "Daydreaming" file. I saw many of me and her. Some were lewd, some were of just us laying in my berth cuddling and refusing to get up. But the most common, was me being shy as I confessed to her, or her getting injured and me being really worried.

I turned to (Y/n) but she just turned away in shame. "I...did not know you felt this way." My faceplates were probably coated in blue. I would be lying if I said I did not feel affectionate towards the small human female. "But, I feel the same way, (Y/n)." I looked away, slightly shy. "Y-You do?" I looked back and saw a spark-warming expression of hope on her face. "Yes. I always have." My face spread into a genuine smile. I couldn't take it anymore, I swooped her up and kissed her. She kissed back just as Knockout let me out.

"So, should I tell the troops they now have a queen or what?" Knockout smirked. I growled. "I will address the troops." I walked over and grabbed (Y/n), putting her on my shoulder. "Right after we pay my berth a visit~"

"(Y/n), my dear, all of your lewd daydreams are about to become true~" I said to her. Her face got really red and she hid them in my neck cables. I chuckled as we neared my berthroom.

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