Surprise! - Human!Father!Megatron x Human!Mother!Reader

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(B/n) - Baby name
(She/him) or (hers/his) (She/He) - baby gender
(Y/n) - your name
Reader POV
Its been a few weeks since (B/n) has become 10 months old. I have been trying to teach (her/him) how to walk when Megatron is busy or not around. I want to surprise him. I hold (her/his) hands up in the air and put his feet on mine while I slowly walk from one end of the room to the other. He giggles the whole time, and it is absolutely heartwarming. As I decide what to give (B/n) for lunch, I hear giggling behind me and turn around to see (him/her) standing on (her/his) legs but bent over still on (her/his) hands. (She/Him) slowly rose up and wobbled over to me, crashing his hands on my legs and making baby blabbers. I smiled and picked (B/n) up and held (her/him). "Wait until you get more experience then show daddy~!" I tickled his cheek and (She/he) laughed.

Megatron POV
Recently my wife, (y/n), started spending more and more time with our child, (B/n). I always hear their soft giggles from my office upstairs. With work piling up it's hard to find time to spend with my family. But, my day off is in a few days. Hopefully we can have a family outing.

Reader POV
(B/n) has really started to get the hang of walking. (She/he) giggles a lot while doing so. Right now, he can walk halfway across the living room. (She/he) is strong like (Her/his) father. Thats not the only thing (She/he) has from (Her/his) father. (B/n)'s looks and (Her/his) hair are from (Her/his) father. I went to the other side of the room, and held my arms out. "C'mere! Come to momma!" I said in a baby voice. (She/he) walked over to me while giggling and holding (her/his) arms up. (B/n) got to me and I picked (her/him) up. (B/n) reached behind me at someone and I turned around. There stood my husband, Megatron. "Okay, go to daddy." I set (her/him) on the ground. (She/he) slowly rose up and started walking to him while giggling. I swear I saw tears in his eyes. When (B/n) crashed (her/his) hands onto Megatron, he immediately scooped (her/him) up and held (her/him) closely. Then he looked at me. "(Y/n)...did you teach him this..?" He asked. I nodded. Megatron then held me closely in one arm, (B/n) in the other. He kissed my forehead and (B/n)'s. "I love both of you very much.." He said. "I love you too, Megatron." I kissed his cheek. (B/n) giggled and attempted to say 'I love you daddy' but it was in a jumble. Me and Megatron laughed.

What a happy family.
For @CricketLuver
Also, its human terms and not 'servo' or 'optics' cause they're humans lol

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