G1 Starscream x reader

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You were loyal.

He was not.

He tried many times to get you to turn against your leader, but every time you politely refused. You stayed as his friend, however. You never knew why. Maybe it was because he had no other friends? Maybe because his own brothers Skywarp and Thundercracker hated him? Maybe because he was constantly abused and laughed at? You didn't know. But when you fell head over heels for him, you knew it was because of all of that. You were ecstatic when he returned the feelings. Now you were beginning to question your loyalty to your leader. You had jumped in to save Starscream recently and got hit instead. Now, Megatron tries to abuse him secretly. Sometimes you catch him, sometimes you don't. The times you don't, you go to beat Megatron but Starscream holds you back. But right now, you had just found Starscream while asking around the base.

He was writhing on the floor in pain.

He was crying.

Something he never does.

One person comes to mind when you saw the multiple dents and small scratches leaking energon on his build.


Your POV
"Starscream!" I cried out and ran up to him. He turned to me. "(Y-Y/n)...stay a-away from m-me.." He tried to scoot away. "No!" I ran up to his faceplate and hugged it, placing kisses all over it too. "Its okay Starscream. I'm here. I'll heal you. C'mon go small and I'll carry you." I instructed. He slowly made his bi-pedal form smaller and groaned out. He made grabby hands at me. I put one arm over the small of his spinal strut and the other in the joints that connects his calf and thigh. I lift him up quickly, and started running back to my room. He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his faceplate in the crook of my neck. "Its okay, Star. Its okay." I cooed as we finally got into my room.

After all the dents and scratches were repaired, Starscream clung to me, and cried. I held him close, glaring at the wall pretending it was Megatron. I slowly pet Starscream's spinal strut and with my other hand I held his helm close to the crook of my neck. His one hand was clutching my shirt, the other was also clutching my shirt but it was the back part. His legs were draped over my criss-crossed legs. His helm was firmly placed in the crook of my neck. "Its okay...its okay let it all out, my shining star." I cooed. My shoulder and neck have been extremely wet for some time, but I didn't mind.

Suddenly, the door slammed open. "STARSCREAM!!" Megatron barked out. Starscream gasped and jumped out of my grasp, standing up and going to full height. "Y-Yes?" He replied shakily. I glared at our leader before I jumped up too. "Follow me." Venom dripped from his voice as he lead my lover out of the room. I growled and followed behind.

They entered the room that I found Starscream in earlier. 'OH LIKE HELL THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN!!!' I ran up to the door and attempted to open it. There was a knob for smaller beings like me. I growled and tried opening it. "DAMMIT!" It was locked.

[Dramatic and suspensful music]

I heard Starscreams cries from inside the room. "NO!" I exploded in anger and broke down the door. I shot lasers at Megatron, earning a few loud groans, and he fell to the floor. "Star! C'mon!" He followed me back to our room, and he immediately became small. He threw himself on me and started crying. "H-He said he would hurt you if I t-told you what he was d-doing n-now. You hadn't caught him in a wh-while so he thinks that you know he doesn't abuse m-me anym-more." He spoke immediately as well. "Hey, Hey, Shining star...look at me." I held him tightly in my arms. "Y-yes..?" He said. I kissed him softly. "I will always be here. I'm not going anywhere, unless its with you. Megatron can't hurt me and he knows that. He's only trying to get you to obey him again. After today, I am no longer loyal to him. I love you, my shining star." He kissed me and then connected our foreheads. "I love you too, (Y/nn)...I'm not going anywhere either and I am so lucky to have you..." He put his helm in the crook of my neck and cried some more while I held him in the middle of our room.

I will terminate Megatron for this.

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