Chapter Thirty Five

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Adopted, No, Kidnapped

will i ever know how it feels to be home again?
-real friends


Envy leads them through the underground passageway to an off-putting elevator. Al and Ed enter, but Sonia's hesitation gets her pushed into it by the transformed military officer.

"Paws off," she mutters but says loud enough for them to hear. They just snarl at her.

"So you're saying these tunnels lead straight to Central Command?"

"Indeed, smartass."

Ed frowns in anger but doesn't let it get to him.

The elevator creaks to a stop, the doors opening and revealing a secluded hall in what is truly Central Command.

"All of you are disgusting. Clean off all your filth, and meet me back here."

They can't disagree, Sonia especially. She feels caked in grime, and can't remember the last time she had gotten an actual shower.

"I'll go up to the other department," she says to the boys, "you can shower down here."

"Sounds good."

Sonia walks past them and up the stairs, then out of sight. She realizes she's never actually showered here; she's always had her brother's house to do things such as this.

She disposes of this thought as she enters the restroom, undresses, and steps into the shower.

Washing the muck off of her body proves to be a task, but a welcome one. All these heroics have taken a toll on her mind, soul, and body. The water on her skin has never felt more inviting. She relishes in it for apparently too long, for someone kicks the restroom door to get through. Sonia jumps in fright, turning off the water. The door acting as the only thing preserving her privacy is not tall enough to cover her chest, so she quickly turns her body around and looks back to see who has intruded. It seems to be a female officer, but Sonia knows better. The enormous presence she feels in front of her is enough, even though when they speak it couldn't be more obvious.

"Hurry the hell up, we're all waiting for you! I don't understand why girls take so long..."

"I'm coming, okay?! Now get out, get out, get out!!" She points towards the door. Envy, disgusted by human anatomy, obeys and closes the door. Heaving a sigh, she dries herself off with a towel and changes into clothes from her luggage. A simple grey t-shirt coupled with her dark denim jacket goes over her scarred torso. It may not hurt anymore, but she still winces. Tight black fabric goes on her legs, then finally she puts her signature shin length boots. Looking at herself in the mirror she almost smiles.

'All this wear and tear, and I still look damn good,' she thinks cockily. Fixing her unfamiliar hairstyle to one side, she exits, the three all waiting for her.

Envy wastes no time. "Finally. This way." They follow them down a flight of stairs and into a secluded room. They all stop.

"Well runts, go in."

Sonia already knows there's a homunculus behind the door, but surprisingly and a bit alarming, she senses that her foster brother is also inside. Without a doubt, it's Roy. She's known him long enough to sense him in an instant.

They open the door and she sees that she's right. (Has she ever been wrong?) His face is as troubled as ever, and he can barely look at the children he's in charge of, Sonia especially, in more ways than one. She notices this, but can't comment; Bradley intimidates her too much. She subconsciously reaches up to grab her hair.

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