chapter 6

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"si alguien se.lo va hechar voy a ser yo el kqe lo hace."  spoke ghost.

it was 2 in the tarde.    we was all at ghosts house . er just us from school. .talking.   about what happend.    

there in the garage stood cynthia. casanova. consuegra .  ghost.  and modesto y azucena since we were pretty.much the ogs en la school pos we kept our meeting seperate.   and guess who was leads en our school. yeah ghost and I.    pony was also there. but he was just filling in onn what happened in the alternstive school. shit happend just yesterday.  and none of the group went to school today damn we's finna get it.

"whatever happens word stays between us.     they know we're going for more. pero la ley esta en medio.  if it weren't.  arranque con los putos" said pony. inodded my head.   it was true.  we wouldve gone for more. done more already.   guerra va enpesando pero nosotros no podemos hacer nada.   xkqe.   por la puta ley. iwas just sitting on a table. listening to what they got to say.

"well we just busted raquel out"    said consuegra.  "so there goes another person probably going against us."

ilooked at consuegra.   she just looked at me.  ipictured last night.   where ijust left her bloody.   iknow she'll recover cuz shes been in worse.  pero todavia si me da lastima now that ithink about it. iknow id be pissed offf if someone does that shit on me.

"sabes.  mañana.   lets all go to school.   and lets not start anything.  because thas'  what theyre expecting.  iknow for damn sure some of us are getting suspended"  ghost said walking towards me.

"oh yeah.   the video.   they showed me where ijust slammed chispiro on the floor.    Gonzalez said he was gonna get all the girls that were involved and ship them to the alternative."  Casanova said as he faced me.

"yalls faces didnt come through.     they even asked who walked out of campus.  they tried getting me to open my mouth.  but ikept telling them that iwas in my moment to notice what was going on around me. and iwas pinned down on the floor to noticed anything else"  

"im kicked out already. iwas kicking chispiro and gonzalez got me en el tiro.    this was my third chance. iwent this morning to talk to gonzalez.  but he didnt give me a chance.  he had said he was gonna send me to aep. but  then he just told me iwas already of age. and iknew better.  that if I wanted he could get me for my ged.   itook it.  but icant be a part of your plans anymore"  cynthia stood uhp.

"plus istill got mija to care for"  she added.

"with all these.chamakios en  junta kqe nun-"   ghost went on.

"cynthia ven"  igot uhp and cynthia followed.

"ma'  mi hermano and I already talked about. you seperating from the grupo.   ponerte namas de orejas since memo Dont really like the thought of his babymamma runnin 'round throwing putasos"  isaid.

"memo said that?"  iasked him if it was ohkay for me to still bang. and he said kqe its my decision as long as I make the right one". she said.  she leaned back against the corner of the door.

"iknow ma.  im just suggesting.  asina now look.  cuz of this you gott kicked out of highschool.    if your getting your ged asina en corto lo haces. pa kqe kiieres mas fallas.  piensa en tu nena. namas en un rato.  ponte en la bola.   and then from there si kiieres seguir corriendo igot you in position".   she stayed.quiet

"no click out ni nada.?" she asked.

"no .   your respected aki. we aint need that.  plus iknow you aint a snitch".  iasked.

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