Chapter 21

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It was saturday night and there was a fair in town. Not close but like half an hour from where we lived. It was me and jadiel alone. We were on the ferris wheel. Iwas eating cone of cotton candy and so was he. Of course like always picking off of mine as well.

"Can i ask you something babydoll?" I looked at him as i was still picking at my candy.

"You know we've been together for so long. Imean not as long but these 7 months with you have been oddly amazing." He looked like he was getting ready to say something stupid.

"Iwant you to be mine forever. Say that you will be my girl. Marry me heily" yup. He said something stupid.

Yet therr iwas in shock. Like nooooo icant marry him. As much as he has won my heart over icant. Cuz im secretly seeing rey. But of course still with business. Fuck!.

"Daddy. Yes I want to marry you. But not right now . can we wait ?" He nodded his head and kissed my forehead.
He pulled a ring out if his pocket. It was beautiful. It was simple yet elegeant
"I promise to always be by your side no matter what comes inbetween us. And i hope you promise to do the same" inodded my head and he placed the ring on my finger.
"We're engaged but you can say its a promise ring for now mami". Ismiled at him and he kissed me. One of the longest kisses we've had in a while. But it was said to soon cuz his phone started ringing along with mine.

He answered his as idid mine.
"We're here" iheard him say. it was payaso's voice. I stayed in quiet. And turned to jadiel. He seemed as lost as ever and pissed off.
"Tf you mean theyre here ?. " almost as if he were answering to my brother. "Hell no. Junta la raza. Ill be there in 2 hours" he hung up. My phone had died. So i justt had it up on my ear. He seemed pissed off. Jadiel was going to leave next week back home... but i guess not anymore. Y pos now menos thay Payaso and whoever else is with him is here. I was just sitting next to him with the phone on my eat listening to him. I had never felt so scared in my life
"who called you?" He asked me.
"It was my brother but ithink his phone died. Cuz the call ended ?" I said to him. He had his jaw clenched and he was tapping his leg.. i cohld tell he was upset

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He just shook his head and looked me in the eyes. And looking at him i felt like he was going to tell me something but he didnt say anything. The feris wheel that we were on came to a stop. Inside me i felt like i shoukd just ditch jadiel and go see payaso. But if i did that i was going to be in chingos de problemas.

"Mami is it ok if i drop you off at home?" Jadiel said. I honeslt didnt know if i wanted to be alone. What about pelon?. Payaso cant know hes here. Lo mata si se entera
"Can you take my to my tias?" I asked him. He kissed me softly on my lips. As much hate that i was supposed to have towards him its the total oppisite of how he has me feeling.
But if jadiel finds out about me. Who knows if he would change his feelings for me. Looking at him right now has me feeling so good. Iwas in love..

"Te Amo" i said.. iwasnt exoecting to say.. but i did. Something i promised myself to never say.

As we got off the ferris wheel i saw reynaldo. He was standing huggging some thick chick. It kind of jealous because he was my first love. And without noticing i tightened my grip on jadiels arm.

"Do you still have feelings for him?". He asked. I looked at jadiel. I shook my head. Amd pulled him off to the parking lot.

"Why tf didnt you guys let me know ahead of time?." I said to them.
"Yall just dropping in like everything here is all goood when my as is in the middle of them. Yall knew he was leaving next week".
Payaso. Memo. my tia. Tio luis. modesto and i were outside in my tias garage talking. Idk why tf they came.

"Iwas already pissed off at the fact that you had moved in with them. You're here alone. How do i know your ass isnt getting into problems?" Said payaso.
"Payaso con todo el respeto no seas weii. Your ass got me into this position. Now you fucking care where im at ?". I sat down next to my tia. "Honestly why are you here?" I asked him. Of course he wasnt going to say.

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