chapter 15

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So Its tuesday and here im waking my ass up to the alarm. I hated the fact that jadiels apartment was far because we had to be up earlier than usual. No not because its far away but because jadiels lazy ass is not a morning person. Well niether am I right. But I can manage.

"Vato!!!!" I shouted for the fifth time. "If your not out in the next 10 minutes. Im taking your keys and taking your truck on my own to school" he didnt stir. Theres still half hour before class begins and its an at least 10 minute drive with the traffic of the other people that take rides.

"Yeah im not waiting" I said. I grabbed his truck keys and my backpack on my way out.
His truck was big lifted. So of course I had a bit of trouble getting onto it. Ha i had to jump a. Bit. But as soon as I made my struggle i headed off arriving at school with 10 minutes to spare. It was funny. Because you already saw skinny, jaime and the rest of the ball walkong towards the truck expecting jadiel but arriving with me alone. Thw windows were tinted so they wouldnt notice. And with me hopping off the drivers side jaime started laughing.

"Whats so funny?" He busted out a phone and aimed it towards me. There i assumed he snapped picture. El skinny started laughing also making me want to laugh.
Then my phone buzzed and i recieved a picture of a tiny ass girl standing next to a monster size truck. Yes thats me.
Walking in a group behind these knuckleheads was loopz with her girls. . Her and her girls just came up for the rest of the boys . Its funny how she had a glare at me the whole time. But before walking off she smiled and batted her eylashes playfully. Then she walked off with half the guys that were there leaving jaime skinny and china there with me.

Just then two trucks llegaron and parked themselves across where we were standing making a huge entrance. And off hopped some blues. Sureños. Cuz I hadnt seen any here.. this aint supposed to be their block either. Two girls. The ones that were outside tias house that night we were headng out. I shook my head as i caught my gaze. There were 9 of them and only 4 of us.. so we werent even at a match for a rumble.
"Kqe no va a llegar lil felon or what ?" Asked skinny.
I shrugged my shoulders. And walked off past them and left them where they stood. Ugh school. Ididnt want to be in my morning classes. Since the teachers be boring. Imean at least back home you would at least conversate with the class. Jaime was right its just a babysitting job for these guys. And im in luck because as soon as i walked into the building i bumped into pelon.

"Heily. . I was looking for you. Remember when i had that crazy idea of you busting rhymes?" He asked. I nodded my head recalling that day we went shoping.

"C'mere" he walked ahead of me.
"Nuh'uhh. I aint following you unless you block me out of my studies. Deal or no deal" i know first day back y i already want to ditch out.

"Heile Destini lopez. You come here o-"
"Or what ?? You aint got shit on me so i dont have to listen" i cut him off. and excuse my attitude. But he wasnt known as my brother around here. Soni could take advantage all i wanted. And there his eyebrow raised realizing that we didnt have any know relationship. I smiled.

"And ibet you want your pizzas and wings for lunch" I laughed walking up towards him as we made our way towards the fine arts building heading to his office. Come to think of it this guy never really explained to me about what he was hunting down. Cuz I mean he mustve played it well in the pinta for him to get an easy time off.
Pelon had some files on his desk. Obvious they were with what he was doing cuz it had the red confidential sticker on the tab. I cant believe my brother is working with the law instead of against it.

His office wasnt that big. He had his huge as desk in the middle with boxes and cds and just junk shit all around him. It wasnt messy because it actually looked decent.

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