chapter 5

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as soon as igot to my crib inoticed something was off as my brothers weren't out here.  

ghost modesto casanova.  . todos de la hood were here.  

I walked past the group of potheads.     and drunkies to the back door. imade my way in and down the pasio

I saw black looking hella ticked off standing post.  .  with who tho?.

imade my way through the hall towards where black was at.

"Destinee"    said reynaldo.  he came uhp to me tried to hugg me.

"nuuhh'uuhhhh mijo.  back uhp"  ipushed him back.

"vez she aint wanna see you.   so largate".

said black .

reynaldo wasnt in a gang he was a really sexci.  nice when he wasnt drunk.    he was just always mad kqe iwas with guys.   the guys iwas ways with were familia. and they were los 7 de meros.       asina kqe iwasnt finna choose reynaldo over them.  ihad prioritys. 

   reynaldo had came home drunk one night.    and he brought the topic uhp because iwas gone that whole day.        he got violent and ended uhp beating me.     iwasnt mad about It because ifought back.  but still he left me fuqkked uhp. aint no way iwas gonna put uhp with that.   payaso went over the next day y le metio una vergisa.  en eso icame back to live with him.   payaso tmbien me dio una regañada. saying kqe he knew it was wrong for me to have gone like that. now my brother pretty much doesnt want me with  anyone.   er anyone older.   than 3 years.  he wants me to be with a vato that respects.  claro reynaldos my ex.  and it was sad.  cuz ispent my everyday past life with him.  iwas devoted.  iwas.

"reynaldo are you drunk?" iasked.   he was swaying a bit. and shookk his head.

"imissed you".   he said.   iheard a slurr so yeaj thiz nigguh was intoxicated.

ismiled at his wack ass.   idont even know why he waas here ahen he knew this was payasos house.   iwas nice to reynaldo. but because idont hold grudges.    imoved on.  he could do him.   as im doing me. black never really liked him.but  he didnt know what happend inbetween us. payaso made me a promise to keep it between us.   ididnt mention it to him either.  en eso salio payaso.      he was looking at me   but then he noticed the third person and his face changed from  curiosity to fury.  

payaso didnt say a word.   he walked straight over to reynaldo y le tiro.  

"payaso stop hes drunk"  isaid as I pulled payaso back.

"y kqe?     este vato sabe muy bien kqe no debe de estar enseñando la cara."  

payaso pulled away from me and went on swinging.  iknew there was no way on pulling him off so ifound a way to get in his face.  but not even that stopped his swing. 

he ended uhp punching me on the cheekbone.  that hard hit slammed me to the floor.

"Heily!"  yelled black as he went through to pull me out.  fuck was i pissed.   payaso looked at me.   he was shocked at what he did.

ilooked over the the mirror hanging on the wall and he busted my face open.  how he did that idont know but iwas already dripping.

"you fuqkkin asshole! kqe vergas te pasa!" iyelled as iwalked towards him.

"dont hit her" slurred reynaldo.

"Vato . largate de aki kqe no?."  yelled black.

"Heily im so sorry ma'  idi-"     icuut him off as ihit him in the mouth.  iknew iwasnt to hit him but  ididnt give a fuck.    tho hes well respected hes my brother and ihave the right to disrespect when iwant. iswung at his face every chance icould even tho iknew it wasnt gonna do much to him.

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