.chapter 14

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That fucking plane ride was hell. My shirt kept stickin to my back. And ughh. The itchyness. I swear i spent half hour in the bathroom just letting my back breathe.

Now i was on ground.. And who was there to pick me up. Pelon and jaimito. As soon as i came through to them they looked at me like as if i was a crackhead stranger.
"You need sleep" said pelon.
"Naw really?., hurry uhp and get me home ineed to take this damn shirt off." I said. Now i felt the attitude i was giving.
"Somones on their rag" jaimito mummbled loud enou H for me to hear.

This guys really gonna start to get to me. I digged in my bag an pulled my earbuds out plugging them in my phone and placing them in my ear. I pounded the music full blast blocking everyone out. Pelon took my bag and led us out.

I hopped in the back and layed flat down on my stomach. And yeah the shirt stuck to my back.


"Babydoll?" spoke pelon. "Doll?" . then i felt it. And i jumped up.
"Damn it you faggot!!" I yelled . he didnt smack me. But he tapped me. And i still felt the burn. I sat up in the truck and reealized we were alredy at my tias house. Yet i was still sleepy.

"Tia im back.!" I yelled as soon as we came into the house. She walked out of the kitchen eating some cookies.

"You look tired mija" she said. Inodded my head. "Go take a nap. Ill leave food in thd fridge or microwave if you wake up hungry"
"Just dont let anyone in my room cuz ima sleep naked" i said loud enough for pelon and jaime to hear" And yeah i grabbed my bag and went uhpstairz. Iwanted a shower tho. So i took one i.let the warm water run on my back. And after 5 minutes i washed up bieng careful not to scratch my back. . After that i got out. Fuck no iwasnt gonna sleep with a shirt. Si i just slipped on my underwear and some short running shorts. I layed down. Yeah i wasn't going to put any vaseline or jergens on. Ill just let i breathe once again..

Ughh... My phone is ringing . it was dark out so i assumed it was late. And with no noise i assumed they're either gone or asleep.
Now my phone was on the other side of the room. Nd i didnt wnt to move. So i let it ring till it died out. Then it began ringing again. Ugh kill me now. Fuck that. I put on a loose black tshirt and grabbed the phone turning it off. And there my stomach began crying for food. Then i remembered .my tia said she was finna leve me foood.

I went out and down the stairs towards the kitchen. Looking unside the microwave i found a plate with some chicken alfredo. Mhmmm. I heated the bitch up and went to pour myself some soda to drink.

The only light in the kitchen was the light above the sink. That was light enough for me to eat. Then i saw this shadow pass the back window. But nothing passed the next window so i let it go and kept eating. 5 minutes after i was done. I washed the dishes and went back upstairs.

"Hey muñeka" jadiel was already in the room. it doesnt surprise me anymore.
"Who let you in?" I asked. He didnt say anything. I closed the door behind me. And walked back into the bathroom grabbing some jergens and walking out.

"Well at least now i know you werent ignoring me on purpose" he waved my phone infront of m.

"Here help me since your here" i said. He had a confused face. I gave him my back as I pulled my shirt off. I covered my front and layed on my bed.

"Holy fuck" he said. "Damn. When did you get that. ?. Is that what you went for?" He asked.

"Just put the damn shit on.. Ididnt put it on after my shower and its started to feel hard and i hate that shit" i said. And he did. He put lotion into his hands and began applying onto my back. It felt nice. Since he was rubbing onto it. And i was beginung to fall asleep till he stopped.

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