Chapter 17

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A.n. okay!  Here's the next chapter!  P.s., read the a/n at the end, 'cause it's kind of important!:)


@Soccerluv08's question was for Dylan.

Why didn't you tell them earlier about being a demon-hybrid thingy?

Dylan: "It's harder than it looks to spill a secret that big to your best friends, especially a couple of nïeve girls.  I wanted to keep them as nïeve as possible, not knowing that Zoe had been to the lab and that me and Alice were going to get attacked in her room, of course.  I was scared what their reactions would be, and didn't want them to treat me differently out of fear or anger.  And that was one of the biggest reasons: I didn't want my two best friends to be afraid of me.  Because I have no intentions to hurt them whatsoever."

Me: "Good answer, Dylan.  And good question, Hailey.  Now that we're here...  THE FANS SURELY WNAT TO KNOW HOW YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ALICE IS, PUTTING THE BOOK ASIDE?????"

Dylan: "Mind your own business,

Me: "Don't sass me, mister!  And as a matter of fact, that is my business because I'm using you in moi's story!!!"

Dylan: "Whatever you say, Your Majesty."


Zoe's P.O.V.

My heart pounded faster, and what sucked is that I knew he could here it.  He spun me around so I was facing him, and he gripped my waist tightly.

"What do you mean, "'There's a tracker in my neck???!'"

I looked away, feeling my cheeks get hot as usual.  I had no idea why I blurted that out, I really didn't have a lot of proof if it was true.

"Uh...  Jk??"  I tried, smiling weakly.  He only glared at me, and gripped my waist tighter.  It was actually starting to hurt.

"Brady stop."

"Answer my question first!"

Right because he was so worthy of my answer.  "I-I...  Uh...."  Oh please just tell him already!  My conscience scolded me.  I sighed.

"Okay....  I really don't have a lot if proof...  But here goes."  I took a deep breath.

"When those creep scientists first brought me to the ADSS lab, they had kidnapped me from the forest.  Skipping the whole part about tantrums and seeing dead people-" Brady raised his eyebrows and looked like he was having an internal battle on whether he should say something or not- "I was found by the scientists who had a tracking device in their hands.  I didn't know what the device was, but I most certainly do now.  Anyways....  I kept feeling a burning, tingling sensation in my neck, almost like someone was pricking it with a needle, but kind of worse.  (A.n. Whoa she is strong!  If I felt that feeling...  The needle one....  OMG I WOULD DIE I'M TERRIFIED OF NEEDLES!  DO I HAVE ANY FELLOW TRYPANOPHOBICS OR AICHMOPHOBICS???  COMMENT IF I DO!)  As the goons-" Brady snickered at my nickname for the scientists "-got closer, and messed with the device, the pain got worse.  That eventually lead to a teeny fight, which resulted in me losing consciousness, which allowed them to take me to their 'lair.'"  I explained this all to him, and all the while he was listening intently. 

"So because you physically saw the device, and felt the feeling....  You are assuming there's a tracker in your neck?"  Brady asks finally after some time.  I nodded.

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