Chapter 6 *edited!*

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A.n. New chapter! Remember to comment, vote and give me any ideas you have! Will mention that they are from you! Enjoy.


I am officially freaking out. What can I do? I could always try kicking him again, but then he would just get mad like the first time. "Get over here now," Flirty comands. I narrow my eyes at him. Oh no he didn't.

"I'm not just going to obey your commands. I'm not your b!t#h," I snap, then immediately clamp a hand over my mouth. Oh I was NOT supposed to say that out loud.

"I-I'm s-sorry?" I try hopefully, and my eyes fill up with tears. I just want to get out of here!

Flirty seems taken back by my tears, so I use the time to my advantage. I pick up a rather large piece of dog food or whatever it is supposed to be, and toss it through the slot where the bowl was pushed into our cell.

It landed on the control panel with a thud and hit a random green button. Green buttons are good right? Green means go. Red is bad. Red means stop. You know, usually self-destruct buttons. 

Well, I was wrong.

Instead of opening the cage, it signals some random scinetists to enter the room and give me angry expressions. "What? No applause?" They glare even harder, if that's possible. "Not my fault I'm the only one here who's actually born with brains," I mutter and someone snickers.

"Give us more pet food. I accidentally ruined the other mush and I don't want a hungry leech on my case. I already made him mad."

They seem angry by my use of the phrase, "pet food." Well is human food served on a silver plater? Not usually. But is it served in a dog dish? Almost never. Unless you're the crazy cat lady who shares with her pets.

"There is to be no contact with the experiments unless for testing purposes." A guy with a nasally voice and mile thick glasses states matter-of-factly. I already dislike him more than the others.

Rage boils over and I almost burst. Well, technically I do. "Look." No one pays any attention to the fact that the experiment is speaking. "I SAID LISTEN TO ME!!!! GOD PEOPLE I AM TALKING TO YOU! SHUT YOUR TRAPS FOR TWO SECONDS!! Now. I know you obviously will never treat your experiments like actual  living, breathing beings. But you could at least stop treating us like we commited a crime or something. We don't even want to be here. Maybe if you cut us a little slack we might stop acting like we'd rather take a bullet to the brain than spend another two seconds in this dreadful place." I am confident I will get at least some sort of reaction.

Wrong again. They look horrified that their 'inhuman being'experiment was capable of saying this much. And they walk right out of the room. Well run is more like it.

I stare in utter disbelief and discust at the scene. These evil dorks are getting on my nerves. "Nice try princess!" Flirty snickers. "Thanks for the comment Count Dorcula," I hiss.

He clenches his teeth and looks like he wants to murder me. Too bad, so sad.

"I'm bored," I whine and plop down on the floor. He snorts and plops down next to me. "Can I help you?" I ask annoyed. "No. I just enjoy annoying you." He grins at me. "I've noticed," I say bitterly.

"Still hungry...." He adds and grins again. "Still annoyed..." I say and trail off like he did. He frowns and pretends to pout.

"Ok. I am not going to sit here and count sheep. What are we going to do?" I complain. He shrugs. "The deal was that you would help us escape if I didn't eat you. It doesn't include me helping you." He says. "Oh right I forgot it's illegal to get help around here," I say sarcastically.

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