Chapter 18

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A.n. Fingers crossed we make ito chapter twenty :D.



I'm soooooo sorry, but for the sake of this chapter, I can't add a lot in.  But I pinky pinky promise that next chapter will be full of it!

That somehow came out really wrong.

Please ignore all the extra, random spaces and spelling mistakes.  It has something to do with a new keyboard on my phone.

P.s. Sorry if this update totally sucksIt's that time of the month again and my stomach hurts so bad feel like jumping off bridgeAhhhh feminine issues;)

After that TMI moment...  Here'some info probably should mention now.

~Remember how Zoe said she read about the ADSS lab in "fiction" bookWell, she found the book on cart by that secret door the librarian had (or should say, evil librarian) showed her and that's how she got it.  So her library doesn't have these books in the regular sections lol.

~Another thing...  Remember how when Zoe got to the lab she had that vision of her little sister?  Well Lisa's principal, or the trained ADSS scientist, was in charge of finding someone who was fit for their next experiment.  They were looking for young children so they could grow up with the formulas inside of them and see how different the results were.  She had her eye on Lisa (as creepy as it sounds), because she noticed her extraordinary physical and mental performance.  Not realizing Lisa was a natural-born supernatural (which are extremely rare in this book), she picked her thinking she was perfect because she was a naturally advanced child. 

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