33. Dread

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I gasp as my eyes shoot wide open to find the comfort of my bedroom greeting me. I could hear my heavy breaths and my heaving chest painfully rise and lower multiple times to calm my beating heart. My hands shakily pull my comforter over my shivering body as I curl my knees against my chest. I crossed my arms over my knees and I rested my head on them to stare out the window. The moonlight spilled through the glass and illuminated my room with an eerie but peaceful atmosphere. By now my breathing has regulated itself and had returned to silently breathing short huffs of air - force of habit due to training. It's been two weeks since I told Levi. Two weeks since I had seen my mother. And two weeks since I had opened my eyes to a brighter life.

"Knowing my luck, it won't last long..." I mumble to myself. The pessimistic thoughts struck once again. But I tried my best to block them away in order to not ruin my peace. Maybe it was Levi's influence over me or maybe I'm finally beginning to accept my life but for no known reason, I've been feeling more optimistic. It felt good to not have a looming mother and to not worry about anything. In my room, I could let myself relax and let my guard down.

I found out that Eren had decided to move out of my home to sleep in the dorms. He claimed that he felt safer there - probably just wanted to be closer to Mikasa but I would never say anything - and that he felt as if he was a burden to us. I respected his decision, of course, he wasn't my son or anything so I don't have the right to boss him around. However, the fact that I was his commanding captain remained and he did have to follow my orders. His titan powers have substantially grown over the months with us. He's been training very hard, which I admire. Armin's wound has fully healed and he's finally back to plotting out missions and training with other cadets.

I was so lost in thought I nearly forgot why I had woken up so abruptly. I stiffened when I recalled the manifestation of a vision I witnessed in my dream. It was odd to have visions in my dreams since they didn't happen often, but this vision included me. Any vision including myself or my body would be shown in my dreams. My other visions - during the day and were random - were only for other people and what was going to be their fate. I sighed as paranoia crept up inside me but I shoved it back to the depths of my mind and laid down. Once I was in a comfortable position I slowly close my eyes and drift off into god knows what.

Until my phone vibrated on the bedside table.

The notification sound indicated an email and I rolled my eyes. I sighed and reluctantly lifted a hand to unlock my phone. I was slightly confused to see a new mission from Erwin.


(Y/n) and Levi, a new mission has arrived. Your job is to investigate a possible Biter drug dealer. You are required to bring him back alive for extraction. You must bring him back in one piece or multiple, as long as he's alive. Once you bring him to headquarters, you must extract as much information as you can. Use anything to get that information. Once you have required the information, report back to me immediately.

We have received word from an anonymous caller who informed us of a deal happening in two days time. It will be at a club, so dress accordingly. More information about this dealer is at Headquarters, consult Armin for the dealer's file.

Good luck.

-Erwin Smith

Administrator of the Survey Corps


I felt my heart pound with dread. It's been a while since I've had a mission, let alone a capture and extract one. I glance at the time before putting down the phone. I took note of my slightly longer sleep, which meant my insomnia was gradually militating. I proceeded to get up and stretched around with satisfactory sighs as I heard my bones crack and pop after being stiff for a while. I grabbed my usual uniform and shuffled into the bathroom across the hall to perform my duties. I then wore my boots before trudging downstairs to encounter Levi, sitting with a cup of tea in hand. He had a cup ready for me, still steaming with warmth.

"Good morning," I mumbled and he nodded for a reply. "Rest well?"

"Yeah...did you get the email from Erwin?" He asked and took a sip. I walked to the other side of the island where my tea was and leaned on the counter. I nodded and started to drink my tea. I mentioned how we should get this job done quickly since I needed more time for missions. Levi agreed and we finished our small breakfast. We took Lykan to HQ and arrived there in about 10 minutes.

As we walked in we were greeted by bustling employees and trainees who saluted towards us. Mikasa and Eren came in out of nowhere and walked beside us.

"Captains! Did...you receive...an...email?" Eren said in an exasperated tone due to his panting.

"That's why we're here, Eren," Levi replied in annoyance.

"Oh...god, you guys walk fast. So what's the plan? When are we going? What should we do? B-But who are we investigating?"

"EREN. Just shut the hell up." Levi snapped, getting annoyed by his constant questions. Eren immediately shuts up and stared at the floor as we walked to agent section of headquarters.

"This is not a mission for you, Eren. Don't worry about us, we can handle this." I reassured Eren with a pat on his shoulder. He looked a little more relaxed after that but what he didn't know was the constant anxiety running through my veins. It increased after I just lied to his face.

I wasn't looking forward to this mission. Something was off.


"Oh hell no."

"C'mon Levi. How else are we going to get close to the dealer."

"I don't give a flying f(at titty) how important this mission is. I'm not doing that." Levi grunted and crossed his arms. Being stubborn as always.

"Levi, it's the only way. If you don't do it then we can't complete this mission. That dealer could lead us to the source of these drugs. You and I both know that this case has been going on for years. In those years, so many innocent people have died. We both know there's something more about these drugs." I countered.

"...they're not regular ones, that's for sure..." Armin butted in.

"Correct Armin. These aren't regular drugs. Something else is going on and I want to get to the bottom of it." I stated. The two boys nodded in agreement. Levi sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Fine. I'll do it. But I won't like it one bit." Levi reluctantly agreed. I clapped my hands and grinned a little evilly.

"Wonderful. Let's go think of a stripper name." I started to walk out and chuckled when I heard him mumble something.

"For f(lying pigs) sake."


A/n: After weeks of being MIA, the author has finally updated. Knowing that readers would be enraged for the wait, the Author decides to make two updates in one.

(Pls don't kill me)

Welp! I'm back to writing again. I've had major writer's block and I can't figure out how to fix it but I reluctantly forced myself to start writing. After the first few words, I was gone and sinking deeper into the story. Before I lose all this inspiration I'll be writing a second chapter for you kiddos and it will be posted at the same time this chapter will be published.

I sincerely apologize for the wait. I'm a horrible author, I wouldn't be surprised if some of you decide to throw shoes or tomatoes or something at me. But I've successfully completed this chapter since I took the summer completely off.

(y/n) seems to have experienced a vision in her dream. A vision that includes herself. Wonder what will happen and what it's about? You'll find out soon. A new mission has arrived and it's undercover at a school. (Y/n) seems to be overjoyed (note the sarcasm). But (y/n) seems to be opening up more and being herself. I wonder what the cause for this is...

Levi has been more comfortable around (y/n) now. Though his annoyance with Eren is still evident, he tolerates him for the sake of (y/n).

That's all I have to say now. I apologize for the short chapters.

Hope you enjoyed!


Published: October 6, 2018
Edited ✔️

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