27. Medication

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I draw out two blades and held them at an angle which made them gleam brightly. The gear fit me perfectly as I grappled onto tree after tree, chasing after the female Titan. I heard two pairs of wires behind me and glanced back to see my partner and Mikasa. I stared intently at the female Titan and I could see her glance back to see Levi and me. I noticed his eyes were narrowed and had a look of death in them. 

He most likely saw what happened to our squad. The female Titan turned back and I got ready for an attack. She suddenly turned around to try to punch us to which I dodged and grasped onto her torso. Levi spun himself up against her arm while I climbed my way up to her face. She was suddenly stabbed in both eyes, Levi stabbing her right eye and me stabbing her left eye. I released my blades and dug them further to deepen the wound. I pulled out more blades as Levi did a backflip off her. 

While she was still standing, I ran off her face and jumped onto a tree to boost myself to attack her faster. We worked in a synchronized attack, while he used the same spinning attack starting from her shoulder to her ankle. While I spun around her other arm and sliced it. She stayed silent as we tore her up. I felt my anger grow stronger and stronger each time she was silent.

'Why won't you say something, godd(onkey)!' I thought as I gritted my teeth.

She fell back against a tree while I sliced at her wrist that grabbed onto her neck. Her hand fell. Levi continued to slice at her out of anger by now. For the death of our comrades. Our squad. Our friends.

Mikasa thought that she would be able to strike but was fooled when the female Titan almost hit her. If it wasn't for Levi, Mikasa would've died. He sliced her hand off before she could touch either of them and he landed on her forearm. She began to crystallize her neck and other hand which angered me further. I stopped slicing her wrists and landed on her head.

"I don't know if you can understand me. I don't know why you're here. I don't know why you took Eren. But what I do know is that you don't care about anyone's lives." I grunted as she tried to shake me off.

"Whatever you were sent to do, drop it. I won't let you leave with Eren in your filthy mouth."

With that, I dropped down and cut open her mouth. Shuddering as the sound of flesh tearing apart and revealing Eren all slimy and gross. Without hesitation, Levi grabbed Eren and grappled into tree after tree. Mikasa followed behind us quickly and smiled happily at the sight of Eren.


"He's alive. But we need to get out of here." Levi urgently said. We all nodded and began to flee the scene. Then I had a feeling. A feeling to look back and glance at the female Titan. Levi had the same motive and we both looked back to see a surprising sight.

The female Titan was crying.


Turned out that we strayed very far from Headquarters. We wanted to bring back the bodies to give them a proper burial. We had big wagons being pulled by horses arrive to hold them. The rough road and multiple trees were difficult to bring cars through so we had to go old-fashioned. 

Everyone was on edge. Snapping at people, crying, angry. Emotions and tension were strong around us. We quickly hopped onto the horses, no longer wanting to be in this hell of a forest. I quietly sighed in relief after seeing a horse that I often saw. I didn't give it a name but it was very loyal, not leaving me in the face of danger. We quickly rode back to HQ until someone shouted.

"TITANS!" At that moment I felt my heart drop. I usually never felt fear as strong as I did now but I couldn't do much at this moment. Others killed most of them but one titan. This titan was abnormal. An abnormal was one that succumbed to their titan form and gave it full control. Losing all consciousness and just craving blood. The titan didn't pay attention to anything else but us and started to gain on us. He smacked, squashed, stepped on people like flies. It was getting too close.

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