10. Thanks

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Erwin slammed his fist upon the wooden desk.

"You WHAT?!" He shouted. I looked up from the floor with emotionless eyes.

"The mission was a FAILURE." I enunciated. My fists clenched and I felt my nails digging into my palms. Levi stood a little behind me on the left while Eren was on the right. Eren winced at the tone of Erwin's voice. I couldn't blame him though, this was the first mission I've reported that failed. This was unlike me.

"What happened? This is so unlike you to retreat from a mission. What were you thinking?" Erwin scolded.

"We were attacked. There were too many Titans to count as they surrounded us in the second to last warehouse. I retreated because one of my comrades were hurt. It could've been FATAL, Erwin." I gritted out. I turned to Levi and Eren.

"Leave us for a few minutes. I must speak to Erwin privately." I ordered. Levi clicked his tongue but reluctantly left the room with Eren in tow. Once the door was closed I turned back to Erwin.

"I had a vision." I bluntly said. Erwin motioned for me to explain in detail.

"If I hadn't retreated, Armin would've died in that warehouse. If I didn't retreat, you wouldn't be getting this report from me. We'd all be dead, even though Levi and I are elite Double A's. Like I said, there were too many Titans for a small group to defeat. One had a machine gun. A f(lipping) machine gun, Erwin. Our group cannot compete with that." I explained. Erwin massaged his head with his hands.

"But at least you know what we're up against. Those Titans were inhumanly large and tall. Even the females were taller than us, towering over us as if we were ants. They're definitely using something, something that's giving them strength and making them insane." I finished.

"This is concerning. Very concerning. I'll look into this matter by sending troops -" I cut Erwin off.

"Are you CRAZY? We're going to lose those troops if you send them in there! They won't survive that, not even if you send all your elites. I'm telling you, Erwin, that won't be a good idea." I countered his plan. What was he thinking? Doing something that risky?

"What makes out so sure?" Erwin questioned. I let out a humorless laugh.

"Erwin, you're talking to someone who sees the future. Do you want to doubt me now? Fine, send those troops in. They won't make it out with all of those Titans. Risk losing half of your recruits, then maybe you'll actually use your head to tackle this obstacle." I snapped. I turn on my heel and left his office. I shut the door tightly and turn around to see Levi leaning against the wall while Eren sat on the floor across from him.

"Come on, let's go," I said and began walking down the hallway. I felt angry. What makes Erwin think that sending troops in is a good idea? I sigh and unclench the fists that I didn't know were clenching.

"H-hey (y/n)?" Eren timidly asked.

"What?" I respond without looking. We entered the elevator and luckily no one else went in with us.

"May we visit Armin at the hospital? H-he's my friend and I -"

"No need to say more. Let's go and check on him. He's the brains of our group, after all, he's an important factor in our group." I said. We stepped outside to the parking and took a passage to the surface. We walked to the hospital that was conveniently next to HQ. The nurse looked up and ogled at the boys behind me. I cleared my throat. She went to glare at me until she saw how serious I looked.

"Ah - um - yes?" She stuttered.

"Arlert. Armin Arlert." I said. She typed quickly into the computer next to her.

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