17. Forget

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Sometimes, my nightmares would be ruthless and they would make me relive my terrible past with my "mother" and "father." Sometimes, my nightmares gave me the usual falling down an endless abyss or dying a painful death. Sometimes, I wouldn't sleep at all. When I was lucky enough - which never happens - I'd get a good full 8 hours of sleep or more without pain and just peace.

But I woke up in a cold sweat from the nightmare that plagued my night. I started to tear up from how hard the nightmare had hit home. It was about Erwin and I. We fought and next thing I knew was that I was kicked out of the Survey Corps and on the street once again. I wiped my tears away and sighed when I glanced at the clock.

8:03 am in the morning. I sat in bed for awhile to get myself together. I realized as I was sitting there. 'It could come true if I don't do anything about it right now...'

I quickly bolted to the bathroom and got ready, putting on (favorite casual outfit) since I was still on my break. I walked downstairs and left a note for Levi before going to headquarters. I zoomed down the streets again, feeling the cool air go through my hair as the window rolled down. I arrived at the place and went straight to Erwin's office, ignoring everything around me.

I knocked on the door and a muffled "come in" greeted me. I opened the door and shut it. I looked up at Erwin who was just doing some paperwork. He sighed and rubbed his temples.

"What do you need (y/n)?" He asked reluctantly. If he thought another argument about my break was coming he thought wrong. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. Not a romantic hug but a father and daughter hug. He leaned back in surprise at my sudden action.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry for being so reckless and selfish lately. I'm sorry for not listening to your orders and I'm sorry you have to deal with me. I wouldn't be surprised if you wouldn't forgive me..." I said. Tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them away. I pulled away and stood up straight, when I looked at him he was smiling.

"I forgive you. It's partly my fault for putting this all on you. I understand..." He got up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for all the things I said in the beginning. You really are my father, you're there for me even when I'm becoming a rebellious teenager." I joked. He chuckled and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"(Y/n), I want what's best for you. I want you to be happy and live your life. So please...open up more. Smile a bit, maybe even laugh. You can't stay emotionless forever-" I cut him off.

"Levi will," I said. We stared at each other in silence before he chuckled. I genuinely smiled a small smile and he looked pleased.

"There you go. Now, get out of my office and enjoy your break." He said. I nodded and gave him one last hug before leaving. Once I closed the door to his office I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me. I sighed and my lips twitch upward.

"Live my life, huh?" I mumbled. As I tapped the walls while going down the hall. It was a little habit I did when I would be lost in thought. I reached the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby. Once I exited I went into my car and drove home. I walked into my house to be smacked in the face with the smell of lemon spray, detergent, and bleach.

"I'm home!" I called out. I walked into the kitchen and saw Levi scrubbing the floors. He was working hard and was wearing an apron and a yellow cloth to keep his hair out of his face. He had big, yellow rubber gloves covering his sleek, slender hands - why am I thinking about his hands?

The odd thing overcame me though, the moment he glanced at me my heart beat quickened. I felt pterodactyls in my stomach. I look away and go upstairs to avoid his gaze.

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