20. Breached

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As we were putting the last of the equipment away I heard a loud boom from the lobby. It shook the whole building and then I heard screams and gunshots. My eyes widen as I look at Levi, who was just as shocked.

"Get your gear again and load up your guns I think we may have some trouble downstairs!" I ordered and the squad quickly went to work. I grabbed an AK 47 and two pistols as well as a couple of machetes. I put them around my waist and grabbed ammo and grenades before running downstairs with the squad behind me. The shouts, screams, and gunshots got even louder until the speakers came on.

"THE TITANS HAVE BREACHED HEADQUARTERS. I REPEAT, THE TITANS HAS BREACHED HEADQUARTERS. PREPARE FOR BATTLE." Erwin's voice boomed through the corridors. We ran down a hallway quickly that led to the lobby. Our boots and guns echoed throughout the room. My heartbeat was so quick that I thought it would pump out of my chest. I kicked the door down and saw a sight that would haunt me forever.

People lied on the floor with gunshots in their clothes, blood splattered the once white walls, shouts and screams echoed throughout the lobby. I saw cadets going down one by one and some hiding behind toppled furniture. I quickly shot a Titan in the head with my AK 47 and ran to take cover as gunshots filled the air. Levi followed and the rest of the squad took cover in various places. I put my back against a column and leaned over the side to almost meet a bullet. I grit my teeth as I shot the Titan near me.

"Dam(p)! There's too many!!" I shouted over the shots. Levi shot a Titan in the head and nodded. I took a grenade from my waist and pulled off the trigger with my teeth.

"GRENADE!" I shouted before throwing it near a bunch of titans. I took cover before feeling a boom ripple through the air. I went back to shooting titans until the whole entrance of the lobby blew apart. A man with the same mask and green cape that all the Titans wore broke through the glass and metal. Muscles bulged out of the green cape and his skin shined like armor. He towered over almost all the Titans and just walked through the multiple bullets. I realized that nothing could penetrate him.

"Sh(eep)!" I cursed as I ran out of ammo. I reloaded while eyeing the armored Titan. He grabbed a cadet and ripped them apart. My eyes widen at the sight of him mercilessly ripping apart the cadet's body and the screams echoed in my ears.


'Titan...' I almost fall backward in realization.

"EREN!" I screamed and looked at Levi who's head snapped at me. His eyes widen too at the realization and we both bolted towards the cafeteria, avoiding the bullets as best as we can.

"EREN!" I shouted as I frantically looked for him. I turned the corner just in time to see him bite the skin in between his thumb and pointer finger. A lighting strike pushed Levi and me back onto our butts. My vision was blurry for a couple seconds before I saw Eren charge at us. I ducked as he jumped over us and I turned just in time to see him smash a Titan's head to pieces. He roared before glancing at us with those emerald eyes. I look at the front to see a big-as(h) Titan looking straight at us. If I thought the armored Titan towered over us then I thought wrong. This guy almost reached the ceiling. He was huge. He saw Eren and retreated to the entrance where he disappeared like thin air into the smoke. I realized I had the gear with me so I shot up to the ceiling where I could get a better view. I shot titans that we're aiming at me and I surveyed the area. The armored titan disappeared and titans filled in the area. There was too many. I searched my head for a safe place to retreat back to and then it clicked. With a loud, intense voice I shouted to the cadets.

"RETREAT TO SECTION 12!" It was the training section. It had bulletproof and iron walls. Everyone shook at my order but retreated while shooting. The titans flooded the area and I shot a couple that was close to cadets. I flew over to the entrance of the section and shot titans to make some time for everyone to pile through. Once the last person was in Levi and I shut the door and blocked it. Thumps and bangs echoed throughout the room before the Titans realized they couldn't get in. I sighed in relief once it was silent. I thought of the layout of headquarters and thought of any possible ways for them to get in further into HQ. There was one door but they wouldn't be able to go through it.

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