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My baggy eyes snap towards the luminescent screen in the dark room. It lit up half of the room like a star that shines brightly. With little effort, I slowly picked up the phone and winced as the light shone in my eyes. I lower the brightness and sighed when I found out it was another email from Erwin. I looked at the time that read 3 am and got slightly aggravated that he would email me this early. We had gotten back from the mission about 5 hours ago. Levi and Eren turned in for the night when we got back. Turned out that Eren would be living with us in the only spare bedroom I had left.

I reluctantly opened it with a swipe and groaned when my assumptions were correct. It was a mission. But a group mission. I read the first couple of lines before turning my phone off and getting up. I went downstairs for a cup of tea when I saw Levi with a potful of it. I walked in and grabbed a mug then proceeded to fill it up with tea. I turned to look at Levi who stared at me from the corner of his eye. 

"Insomnia?" He asked. I nodded but didn't say anything else. He got the message and continued to sip his tea quietly. He still held it in an odd way that I wasn't able to do but I paid no mind to it. He was just being Levi. In a soft voice, I spoke to Levi.

"We have another group mission. It pi(eces) me off how Erwin just dumps all the work on us. It hasn't been a full day and yet he's already giving us something to do." Levi just listened to my quiet rant about the man. He seemed to agree with me when he sighed after hearing about another mission.

"When Eren wakes up, I'll show you guys the mission. I have to contact the others later." I said to Levi. He nodded and poured another cup of tea into his mug. I felt as if I had enough so I put my mug into the sink and rinsed it lightly. I mumbled a quiet thanks as I passed Levi. But before I could walk out the kitchen I felt Levi hold my shoulder back. I turned towards him and for some reason, my breathing hitched as I saw how close he was to me. He was two inches away from my face, so close I could smell his lemon scent and minty tea breath. 

"What am I to you?" Levi asked suddenly, his voice husky and low. I bit my lip, his question made me think. 'What is he to me? A partner? An acquaintance? A...friend? Why am I thinking so hard about this?'

"To be honest, I don't know Levi. One minute you make me want to murder you and the next I want to...care...for you. You confuse me, Levi." I told him. It was the truth, he made me feel emotions I thought I lost long ago. I could describe it in one word, it was at the tip of my tongue. But I couldn't say it. I couldn't remember it. A feeling that I longed to feel for so long. What was it?

His stormy gray eyes stared into my (e/c) eyes until he let me go. He walked to the sink to wash the mugs but I stood there for a minute, staring at him. What was that little stunt? Why would he ask me that in the first place? Shaking my head, I walked upstairs. Shutting the door quietly behind me, I flopped onto the fluffy bed that could make anyone fall asleep. But with nightmares plaguing me and preventing me from slumber, I stayed up. My thoughts racing throughout my head that gave me a headache. 

Soon, it was a peaceful Sunday morning. I hadn't realized it until I heard the chirping of multiple birds on the tree close to my window. I sat up and stretched to open the window. I was greeted with the cool morning air and smell of coffee and pastries from across the street. I decided to get a head-start on my morning so I got ready. I showered and cleaned myself up, noticing that Levi and Eren's doors were still closed. I slipped on a black, thin long sleeve with the Survey Corps jacket. I put on dark red skinny jeans and black combat boots. When I stepped outside my bedroom, I heard someone in the bathroom and a groggy voice getting up. I decided to get breakfast from the bakery across the street before we went to Headquarters. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and grabbed my keys before walking down the street.

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