Nico and Starbucks, A Sequel

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(A/N): I'm writing this author's note with a vague idea of this chapter's plot and nothing written yet, and I'm honestly not sure how to feel about myself.

Edit: I have finished the chapter now and feeling even less sure of how to feel about myself. Like... I don't- Elizabeth? What are you doing with your life?


Percy posted a status

Nico: ...

Nico: Styx

Percy: Nico

Nico: You went to Starbucks and saw me, didn't you?

Percy: I thought you were going to switch like you did after we saw you at McDonald's!

Nico: Yeah, well, we think too alike

Nico: Actually no, I don't think I want to think the same as you

Percy: Wha- Hey!

Thalia: I wasn't going to cut in, but...

Thalia: There's a reason why we call you Seaweed Brain

Percy: ...

Annabeth: She's got you there...

Percy: ...

Percy: I came out to have a good time and honestly feel so attacked right now

Thalia: Percy

Thalia: Isn't that a meme?

Percy: ...

Thalia: Did you just quote a meme?

Percy: ...

Percy: Well we are on social media... So it's not as bad as you're making it sound...

Thalia: ...

Thalia: I am judging you so much right now


Percy posted a status
Can we go back to Nico now, please?

Nico: Wow, okay

Jason: Alright Percy, what happened?

Percy: Well, a girl asked Nico out at Starbucks

Jason: Why is this a big deal? Nico had to reject a girl, so what?

Percy: That's the thing

Percy: He didn't

Nico: If a plague could come right now, that would be great

Jason: Um? Nico?

Nico: *sighs* So I said yes, what's the big deal?

A wild Elizabeth appears

Elizabeth: (Because you already cheated on my with my own brother, that's the big deal)

Nico: ...

Elizabeth has logged off

Thalia: There's Elizabeth


Percy posted a status
So? What do you have to say for yourself?

Nico: It's free dinner, okay?

Nico: She asked me out, therefore she pays

Nico: I just really like food, okay?

Percy: ... Wow

Annabeth: I'm just wondering if she was aware of that "agreement" 

Nico: There was that awkward moment when she glanced at me when the check came

Nico: And then I may or may not have said "thanks for asking me out to dinner, again"

Nico: And she took it

Jason: Nico... You do realize you get free food from the Pavilion everyday, right?

Nico: ...

Nico: Yeah, but is it authentic Italian with five billion desert choices?

Nico: Do I see a napoleon, a cannoli, a tiramisu being offered to me??? No, not really

Another wild Elizabeth appears

Elizabeth: You Slytherin

Nico: It's not my fault I know what I want out of life

Nico: In this case, it was free Italian deserts


Nico posted a status 
Why are you guys so interested in my life anyway?

Percy: Psh, why would I be interested in you when you're apparently not interested in me?

Thalia: ... Percy

Thalia: You sound low key bitter tbh

Percy: I'm not bitter at all

Percy: Just because I'm not "his type"

Everyone: *raises eyebrow*


Annabeth: Wow, okay then

Percy: You said that if you were ever going to do same sex experimentation, it was going to be with me

Nico: I have never said that to you

Percy: It's been implied

Nico: By you

Nico: Like, five years after I stopped having a crush on you

Percy: But still

(This was from Broad City)

Jason: To be honest, we all think Percy's hot, so he doesn't even count as a type anymore

Percy: Wait a moment

Piper: Jason???

Jason: What? I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to admit that I think Percy's cute without questioning my status as a heterosexual

Elizabeth: ... Wow, this chapter has been a trainwreck


Elizabeth: Ah Styx, that's my cue to-



(A/N): I've published a new story, titled "All These Things We've Done." It's a Dramione fanfic and will be updated every other week. I'll love you forever if you check it out x


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