Chapter 26: There is an escape

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Adam's POV:

I watch them burn. Their bodies almost swallowed by the flame that I lit. The orphanage is illuminated by the blaze that burns bright in the dark. 

I watch them burn. I watch her burn. She had A fire in her, a fire that was kindled with rage and hatred, fire that Puppy had plenty of. For once, I light the flame and for once, Ma-Ma is burning in it. All I see is now is a badly burnt woman, her torture, her creations, her games...turned into ashes. Ashes that she will never emerge from.

I watch them burn. I watch her burn. The girl who fanned my flames.  The one who won the game. The warrior, the she's just a badly burnt girl with no wings, no fire...and no family...

But all I see is The badly burnt girl, still burning, still setting the world on fire, the flame inside her still burning away...The phoenix that rises from the ashes, the fire that crowns its wings that mean re-birth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how painful our losses.

She was the puppet on her strings, she was the pawn, she was the player...who emerged from the ashes and became a survivor. Who became my one and only.

The girl who plays with fire.



Then, I turn away.

And take my first few steps as a free man.

The Valentina is now the food of the fire, still burning away into nothing. I watch the flame eat it away, I watch it eat away my prison, my encasement. Become nothing but dust that the wind carries.

I walk on the blistering ground while clutching my stomach, embellished with a giant scar that spews blood. In the distance, I see the remaining survivors and their families emerging from the hiding places and leaving sector 13. Ready to embrace their freedom. Escaping the cells and lives that they were bound to.

 Finally, 13 will now free. Finally, 13 can live life instead of being trapped in it.

As I see the remaining families and children at last leaving the world that is crashing down, I arrive at the head-quarters. 

I turn the knob of the door and it creaks open, echoing through the small dark building. I walk in and feel glass breaking under my foot. The sunlight pours in through a window, shedding light into the building that's plagued with black.

'...Sky...?' I call out. Wiping the tears that blemish my cut up face.

'...Sky...? Sky...? Are!'

Then, I hear them cry. 

I turn behind me and I can just make out her silhouette. Her arms full with two healthy looking babies, around 9 months old, their cries making my mind wonder back to so many different memories.

Of Alli, Daniel, Daryl...

...and Ashley.

'...Adam..?' She calls out. 'Are you Adam...?' Her soft, frightened voice radiating her innocence.

'Yes...yes! It's me! It's okay...Everything's over...the game's over...'

She then steps into the light. Her curly brown her and light-skin glowing in the gentle light.

'Does Ma-Ma...know you're here? If she does, she'll kill me...again'

My heart breaks for this 15 year old. The torture she's been through, the losses she had to cope with...the sights that are now marked on her mind forever.

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