Chapter 19: Pause

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Ashley's POV:

'Ma-Ma shot him with her bow, when she heard this from Daniel. When she fell into the acid...well, it wasn't acid was called 'cicatrix'. A liquid designed to melt away the skin and mutilate the skin's what happened to Sky...'


'This wasn't something created to kill. That's why Alli didn't die. Ma-Ma got Alli fished out after the games...only to be tortured and...killed after...'

I have tried to be deaf to their not hear the hurting truths, but it forces me to listen, because it is all I hear in the silence of HER absence.

'You said that you were the last person she saw. You saw her getting killed. But you didn't see Alli, did you? All you saw was the only thing of Daniel left in the world. His child. That's what made you turn against Ma-Ma. The deaths of Daniel and his family.'

'Daniel's death was the moment that started this revolution. Everything we've been through, everything we felt, all the 'innocent' that have died, why we met, why we're sitting here in this room. It's all started from Daniel.'



'I didn't go through all of this because of Daniel's death....'

'...what are you talking about...?'

'I formed an alliance with you, I fought in the 'games' with you,I brought you here in this room because I was told to...'


'I saved you only to find Daniel...I saved you so I could save Daniel...'


'Ma-Ma said that if I bring both you and Adam to her...She'll let me free...away from the Valentina...away from 13...away from this life...with Daniel..'

'So, you are saying...Ma-Ma didn't kill Daniel...?'

'She thought she did, and so did I, but at his execution, Daniel ran away after the night of Alli's death, and replaced a clone in his cell.'

'Ma-Ma killed his clone instead of him...'

'Yes...and she vowed that the moment she captures him, she'll never let him go, never let him go of his destined agonizing death that he would've faced...'

'And she promised you that if you bring both me and Adam to her, She'll let you go. Let you find Daniel and live your life...'

'Well done, smartass...After I saved you from your 'execution', Ma-Ma knew what I was doing, she still had '51' rigged with her cameras, she heard all my plans and about our mutiny against her...and while you were sleeping, Ma-Ma made me a deal...through one of the speakers...I agreed instantly.'

'I knew about every floor in the 'games' and how to survive them. I knew about the falling elevator, I knew you were gonna fall into the acid, I knew what route to take in that staircase, I knew about the 'Peril x' release, I knew what was happening to Adam, I knew about everything. I just needed you to solve them and make everything easier for me. Easier for me to lure you in my trap.'

'I also knew it was too late to save Adam. So I forgot about him...Funny, how everything you've been through, it was all for Adam. It was all for that one person who risked his life to save yours. Now, you can't even save yourself, let alone your little lover boy, over here.'

Just another slave. Just another soldier. Just another one of her playthings. Another one of her creations. A murderer. A torturer. A liar. A traitor. Just like Ma-Ma.

'And I am not sorry...I did everything I had to for my family. My only family. Even if that meant killing you...'

Isn't it sad, when you get hurt so much, you can finally say, 'I'm used to it.' My silence has been my most loudest scream. My entire life has just been someone else's game. Someone else making the choices. From the start, till the end.  

It's game over for me.

'I trusted you. I helped you. I was your only hope. And you just...broke me. I wish we could go back to the time where I was in that room. I wish we could go back to the time where he held up the gun. And I wish he pulled that trigger. It would've saved me from so much pain. It would've saved me from you...You're worse than your sister. You are exactly like her...'

I see the watery oceans of Adam's eyes as a waterfall of tears begin to gush from him. He probably can't take it anymore, either. I wish I could go give him the assurance and comfort that Daryl gave me. Only this time, it wouldn't be just a fake act.

I was his Daryl's cure, I was saving him. But all he was doing was killing me.

Ma-Ma walks over to Daryl and with a swiss army knife, she cuts Daryl free. 

'Well done, Baby bro'

'Adam, I am sorry, man. I would've tried for you, but...I had no choice. I hope you forgive me...but I don't regret what I did.'

'Go..f-f-uck yourself, cunt.'

Before Daryl could say of Ma-Ma's soldiers come bursting through the door.

'Ma-Ma...Ma-Ma...' He pants, sweat sparkling on his brow. 'Ma-Ma...come. Come, quick...there's been...there's been a suicide pact in the slow-mo facility...!'

Ma-Ma's eyes widen in shock. 'Come on' she says to Daryl as she stomps her way to the door.

'Let's pause the game..I'll be right back, sweeties. We still have business to finish..'

 With that, she disappears into the eerie hallway, with the soldier, while Daryl stands near the door frame.

'You would do what I did if it was Alli.'

'No, I wouldn't. Because I am not you. I would been saving lives, instead of ending them, like you did. Now get your sorry-ass away from me, prick'

'Haha. There was always a fire in you, girl. A fire that no-one could put out...' With a chuckle, he closes the door behind him and locks it.

 And the last of him That I see  is his blue eyes with green flecks that swim in them, the last I see is that fake smile that he plastered on this entire time and the last I hear of him is his footsteps that soon disappear and become forgotten echoes. 

'I'm sorry.' I say to Adam. 'I'm so, so sorry...'


'I am so sorry that I couldn't save you. I'm sorry that you had to go through the pain, I'm sorry that I even begged you in the first place...'

'I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry...I'm sorry that there's no other way...I'm sorry that I made it turn out like this...I'm sorry...'

'Don't be, puppy eyes. You came back for me. You didn't leave me. You didn't forget about me. No one's ever done that for me, before'

We both give each other a smile that we've put on after a long time. Our eyes gazes into each other's as my heart takes flight.

'It was all worth it' I say. 'If it meant saving you.'

'You did save me. You're saving me from the life that I would've had to live if you hadn't begged. If you hadn't gone through everything that you did. So, don't be sorry. In a way, you won. To me, you won'

'And I'm happy that I get to spend my last moments with the one person that I care about the most...Puppy eyes..You saved me...'


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