Chapter 3: 48 hours

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*Picture of Adam above*

Adam's POV:

I hear that blaring alarm again. I hear gunshots being fired. I realise that I'm still in the same deathly lit room as before and my heart automatically starts jumping out of its place. My ears are still ringing from the constant distant bullets being fired.  They're probably still hunting down the rest of the girls that have escaped. As my eyes start to adjust everything around me, I  feel a cold icy hand numbing my skin and yanking me from my lied down position. Smoke is lurking everywhere like a ghost. The person yanked me so hard and it happened so fast. The Slow-Mo is probably wearing off.

I try and see everything around me. There's a large hole in the walls, pieces of it crumbling to its death. The remains of the walls look like the aftermath of a nuclear bomb. Who the fuck does this person think they are, deciding they can blow shit up while I live my last (and very long) 45 seconds? I turn to the left of me and i notice that Puppy eyes has gone. I wonder if I'll ever see her again. I hope I do.

Suddenly, the person holding me up starts dragging me out of the room. Ma-Ma is also in front of me walking.

'You little lucky son of a bitch' Ma-Ma's sweet honey-like voice again, making my ears bleed. I see her walking ahead while James is squeezing the shit out of my shoulders. I try to move my hands but they are still tied, burnt by the rope twisted around them.

'How FUCKING dare  you, Daryl...' Ma-Ma talk to herself. Daryl? What Daryl do? He's like Ma-Ma's lapdog. He'll do anything she says, no matter how brutal or heartless. 

It was during one of my most hardest years in life, i recently started working for Ma-Ma when I was homeless and poor. I hadn't eaten for about 2 days so I asked Daryl to help me. He stole some food from 13's supply to feed me.It was dangerous, if you were caught stealing in 13, your hands will be cut off. It was honestly a debt i was never able to repay. We were best friends for years and he put himself at risk to feed me. But when the next day came, I found my self getting whipped by Ma-Ma. That little bitch, Daryl. Lied to Ma-Ma to save his own ass...

Anyways, the 3 of us are walking...well, the 2 of them are walking, dragging me along with them, up these long creepy-ass corridors of the block, people running back the other way and children running back to their flats when they caught the slightest glimpse of Ma-Ma and her men.

We then walk up another fucking staircase. I swear to the Lord, there are more stairs then there are flats.

'In there, James' Ohhhh shiiiiit...

James opens up a large 'cube' and throws me in. I try to scream but I am too scared to even breathe let alone talk when Ma-Ma's watching me.

Ma-Ma stares at me with her merciless killer eyes as James locks the 'cube'. As soon as they step back, the 'cube' hums to life, glowing with blue trails around the bars. This was no ordinary 'cube'. Oh Hell NO. I'm quivering so much right now that the 'cube' might be shaking. 

'Let's see Daryl getting you out of this one.' Ma-Ma presses a button from the panel on the wall and a large noose comes dangling from the ceiling, instantly wrapping itself around my neck like a snake.  Ma-Ma clicks another button and suddenly, and my hands are feet are NAILED to the ground. I scream in immense pain as the blade of the nail seeps into my skin like butter. Squirting fountains of blood everywhere. I wince as the little bitches slice through my hands, the lower half of my body probably paralysed form the currents shooting down as I fidget in my position.

She then clicks one more button and a giant 48:00:00 glows red on a screen. A countdown.I stare at the large red 48. Which will soon fall on zero.  I hear the 'cube' humming with currents. Every time I try to move, an electric current goes running through me, burning me inside out.

This is called 'The Hanging'. One of the first ever 'Games' the girls were forced to play in Ma-Ma's annual tournament.

The game is you have around 3 minutes to try and untangle the impossible knot from the noose. Each second that passes, Ma-Ma will wind the noose back into the ceiling, taking your neck with you. Slowly hanging you. But It doesn't stop there, Ma-Ma used her 'creativity' and updated the game Seeing as your hands and feet are LITERALLY NAILED to the ground, you have to try and free your limbs but every move you make, a painful electric pulse is sent down your body, almost paralysing you. You have to try and break free from the noose before your time runs out, or Ma-Ma will press a button, which will  yank you from whatever position you are in and you will suffocate in seconds. And if your hands and feet are still nailed to the ground...Rest in pieces, my friend.

But in this game I'm going to lose either way. I can't escape. I can't win. There is no 'try again' option. I can't save myself. 

'Looks like Daryl and your little slut have only 48 hours to save you.'

Daryl? No. Daryl has probably saved his own ass by now. He's probably forgotten about me. He's not man enough to stand up to Ma-Ma. And he's not brave enough to save his mate. After every time i saved his ass or took the blame for him. He was never mate. He's dead to me. 

And Puppy eyes, I hope she's okay. At least I don't have to live with the burden of letting thousands of lives slip through my fingers. I don't have long to live anyway.

Ma-Ma pulls a lever. The countdown starts...

'Let the Games Begin'


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