Chapter 11: Floor 1

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'I am a raging sea,

trapped inside of a raindrop...'


Ashley's POV:

He pulls open the double doors...Let the Games Begin.

'Citizens of 13. Welcome to this years' Games! May the strong serve and protect the savior of our generation, and may the weak meet the fate of those who failed to be strong...' Says a robotic female, her voice escaping from the speakers.

Suddenly a giant claw appears from a panel camouflaged in the walls and snatches the weapons that we were giving. I see the bow being slipped away from my hand. Probably the last time i will ever get to hold one. And I will probably be at the other end of the arrow if Ma-Ma ever found out about our plan.

'Floor 1' says the female robot. 'The Tube'

In a blink of an eye, the floor begins to move. Then I see a giant glass tube rising from the ground, encasing me with its shimmering Armour. I look forward to see that Daryl is also confined in the same glass tube, just a few meters away from me. At the bottom of the tube is a pipe, for some reason. Squeezed into the corner. 

But before I try to say something, I feel my hands and ankles being yanked backwards. I feel a familiar burning sensation on my scolded wrists and feet an d look down to realize that a rope is tired around them.  This brings back memories.

I see the sames ropes binding Daryl. Instantly slicing off a millimeter of his skin. Shit. Why does it suddenly feel like I can't find oxygen?

We both exchange a worried look, with fear bleeding from our eyes. A thin layer of silence hanging in the cold air. Both of us trembling in the glass tube, agitation radiating off of us. I see the distress floating in his blue eyes. I hear my soft short breathes escaping from me, fogging up the glass imprisoning me.

'Stage 1: Don't go with the flow' says the robotic voice and  A giant 60 seconds blinks from a screen just from the left of me.

And it is not long after 'she' says the words, water starts to flow from the pipe and in less than a second, the water level rises in the tube, yearning to drown us in its cool refreshing but deadly contents.


'Daryl! Daryl!' The blood-freezing water rises past my ankles in less than a second. Its biting contact piercing the burnt flesh of my feet.

'What are we supposed to do?!'  52...51...50...

'Daryl? Daryl?! Please help me!'

I can't hear him. His mouth is moving but the sounds are being absorbed by the glass confining him. He probably can't hear me either.

The water sours to my hip, numbing my skin to an ice cube. I look at Daryl and I can't make put what he's saying, all i see him do is struggle against the rope clutching onto him, preventing him from trying to save himself.  Holding him down as if its helping the water to do its job. 

I try to bang against the glass tube but it is no use, the ropes pull me back, yanking me to my original position. Leaving 3rd degree burns on my already scorched wrists.


Oh my God. This is only the 1st floor. This just shows that Ma-Ma doesn't even have to do anything to defeat us. Ma-Ma managed to defeat us by doing nothing. Highlighting the power that she seems to hold.

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