Chapter 22: Take a leap of Faith

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Ashley's POV:

I look down from the roof of the burning building and hear the hungry flames beneath us crackle and fizz in the toxic-sprayed air. A blistering firestorm that sputters and hisses under us, yearning to swallow and devour us whole. The roof is starting to feel warm and it's not long when the soft sparks start to rise. Sparks that will soon grow into an inferno. A spark capable of setting the sky on fire.

'Come on...we...we gotta jump!' Shouts Adam. He grabs my hand and hold it in his. And I know it's a bad time right now, but I can't help but feel a flicker inside me when he clutches my hand in his. I feel so loved. Desired.


Your hand was always meant to hold mine...

'Wait...What if...What if we don't make it?'

'Puppy, if we stay here...we'll die, anyway'

My body starts to rattle in anxiety and soon the familiar feeling of fear starts to furrow its way back into my body. I don't expect it to leave. I know it never will. It has lived with me forever.

'I got you...okay? I'm here. I won't leave this time...I won't be taken away this time...I'll be right here. And we gonna leave this together...okay?'

'We'll leave this together, right?'


'You promise?'

'I promise...'

The roof starts to slope and cave in. And after I plant a kiss on his lips and gaze into his pure blue eyes for the last time, we hold each other for dear life before we take the leap of faith.


The blood-numbing air constantly hits us at the face as we free-fall into the orangey darkness. My heart spirals out of control as the world whizzes straight past me. My hand clings on to his as I pray for survival. The shrieking of the wind leaves a deafening echo in my ears as we both smack the scorching ground, face first. I instantly feel blood dripping into my eye as I feel someone turn me over. Breathing feels so good.

'Puppy eyes...Puppy! You okay? Please, Please dear God....Open your eyes...Puppy!'

'''s okay...I'm okay'

I just about see a relieved smile printed on his face as he helps me up to  my feet. What's left of them, anyway...

He places a kiss on my forehead before he clings onto my hand and we both start to take off into the woods.

Out of the Valentina...Finally

After all this time...After all the pain...After all the losses...We can finally be able to recover from them. We can finally live our lives.


The trees shiver from the piercing winds as they hang over us like dark shadows. We sprint through the darkness and onto the ground that is covered with thorns and brambles. Little  bastards keep poking through my skin and a puddle of red soon starts to form and pain over the burnt skin of my feet. Soon, my left leg starts to hurt and throb in pain. I softly wince as I realise that I completely forgot about my bullet wound on my left shin. It brings back bad memories.

'You okay, pup?'

'Yeah, yeah. Let's just keep going' Gore rapidly protrudes from the giant laceration.

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