Chapter 1: There is no escape..

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Welcome To 'Kill First, Die Last...'


Adam's POV:

I'm in deep shit now. Daryl and James drag me up the stairs by the collar of my T-shirt, straight to Ma-Ma's door. Daryl was supposed to be my best mate, but i guess Ma-Ma was always worth more than me. And when you're in a situation with Ma-Ma, everyone's only out to save their own ass. When Ma-Ma wants to see you, it's either the best or worst thing to ever happen to you. James bangs on the cold metal door as my heart begins to pound its last beats. I can still hear the alarm screeching through the speakers. Its probably the shooting squad hunting down the remaining girls.

'Come in' Ma-Ma's voice is sweet and low but still manages to send chills down your spine.

The door opens and i am forced to kneel as i see Ma-Ma glaring out of a large glass window. I also see her quiver glistening in the soft light. She was a pro with a bow and arrows. Probably the best in 13. The bow was her speciality, HER weapon.

The door bangs shut, sending goosebumps running through my body. Now, it's just me and her. If you are ever in this situation, you're already dead.

'Why did you do it, Adam?' She's still looking out of the window while saying this. This means she's thinking about the best way to end you. Maybe throw you off a 200ft building blindfolded or skin you first, then throw your body off of a 200ft building, blindfolded.

'I...uh..' I stutter. I can't speak. I don't know what to say. What's the best excuse for helping the most wanted criminal escape prison?

'I-I'm so..sorry Ma-M-'

'DON'T YOU FUCKING SORRY ME!' She rapidly turns around and slams her fists on a glass table, damaging more the table than the skin of her hands. I lower my gaze. I can't bring myself to look at this killer. If looks could kill, i would already be 6ft under.

'Adam...look at me, sweetie..' I hear that sweet tone in her voice again. Sending intense chills down my spine which feel like pricks seeping into my skin.

'Look at me' A little harsher now. Sweat beading on my forehead. My body rattling in fear.

I finally find the courage to slowly look up at her. What a pleasant sight. I see the scars decorating her face. The scars were given to her by our previous leader. A painful reminder for her. Her, a perfect shade of blue,,,the other a sea of dark-grey with a harsh tint of white in them. Probably the result of too much heroin, Slow-Mo or something like that. It many be a good feeling, but it fucks you up at the same time.

She's glaring at me. Her stare piercing through me like a bullet. Her smirk-like expression causing paralysis to slowly consume my body.

'I trusted you. I like you. I saw you as me. I trusted you for 6 years and you managed to throw all that trust away in a second. All because of your LITTLE BITCH!' The tone in her voice is strangling me.

As I'm battling for air, I remember her face. Her green pleading puppy eyes. Her red, tear stained face. I'm not just another piece in Ma-Ma's games. I'm not some type of robot. I still have feelings but I guess all those beliefs don't matter when you're face to face with Ma-Ma.

She was going to use all of her men to kill those girls. I had to help them. Ma-Ma's killed enough of 'The Innocent' and i wasn't going to let her kill anymore. I'm not a killer, like Ma-Ma. Letting all those girls out was worth it. At least one dies and the 50 others survive. I'm not like Ma-Ma and I never will be so i did what I did. The girls would've never stood a chance in Ma-Ma's 'Games' anyway. They never did. Normally only the men won.

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