Chapter 23: Boss Defeated

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Ashley's POV:

'You heard her...' he says 'We only have a few seconds left...'

But before I could wrap my arms around his body for the last time, Ma-Ma screams as she lifts herself up off the ground and legs it, straight back through the forest.

Back through the blaze that burns.

Then, we run after her. For once, we are chasing Ma-Ma.

She stumbles through the scorching forest as the sparks from the nearby fire dance in the blistering heat. The trees hang over us like a shadow as Ma-Ma quickly runs breaks into an abandoned orphanage.

Glass flies everywhere as I break through after her. I grab a strand of her hair and I pull her back. Suddenly, she elbows me in the rib and as I cough out blood, Adam punches her in the face, knocking her front teeth out. But before, he could land another punch, Ma-Ma spits her blood into his eyes as she runs up the stairs all the way to the 3rd floor.

'I'm fine! I'm fine! Jut get her! ...And finish her off!'

I stumble up the stairs too with the bow in my hand and with only one arrow in the other.  Adam runs up behind me too when suddenly, I hear his foot break through a wooden step and I turn right around. But before I could grab him, he free falls into the darkness below.

His hand slips away from mine, the last I see is the terror that clouds his eyes and the face that screamed for help. 

His screams deafen my ears as My heart stops. As soon as falls, he merges in with the dark as I hear him slam his body against God knows What.

But I go after Ma-Ma. 

I have to. I have to end her.

As I catch a glimpse of Ma-Ma running into a room, I go in after, breaking through the door. When instantly, I feel a wooden plank slam into my face as I hit the entrance. 

Immediately, My body slips and plummets to the ground and Ma-Ma snatches the swiss army knife from my belt. Without hesitation, she tries to plunge it into my neck but I shift a little, making the blade sink into the wood instead.

Then, while her hand is still on the blade, I grab the back of her head and smash her head into mine, hearing the bones crunch in my palms sends shivers plaguing my body.

As soon as she almost loses consciousness, I grab her neck and pick myself up as I hear the chokes escaping her weakened body. Then, I go up to the giant glass window of the 3rd floor as smash her body against the glass.

'You...will...never you'

Once Again, I smash her head against the cracked glass now embellished with dripping blood, illuminated by the rising sun in the horizon.

'There's never a reason to murder...'

I load my red-tipped arrow into my bow before she says the one sentence that turns my life upside down. That turns my entire world to ash. That sends one single tear of sympathy to escape from my eye...For Ma-Ma.

'I only did this...because Adam killed my son...'

But I didn't wanna hear anymore.

'I only because...he me. So...I go...through.'

'I own you. Forever and always.  You'll always just be the pawn in the game...' says Ma-Ma

Her eyes begin to droop, I see the last breathes hardly escaping from her body.

As the life fluid drainedout of her in it's garish red, her skin took on the pallor of a corpse. Herstomach felt sick and then one by one she lost control of her limbs untilfinally her head slumped. She could still hear, but she could control none ofher body. Then, like a ghost, she slipped into a coma with death not far away.

Her mangled lip andobviously broken nose were caked in dried blood, congealed and cracked. The nowbrowning blood had drizzled down her face like so much rain down a window.

'You're wrong. You're alone. Weak. With no-one to protect you'

I Slam her body against the creaking glass.

'You will just be another body to be found and burnt...'

'You are just a broken body with a shattered mind...'

I slam her smashed in head once more against the blood coated glass.

'And one more thing...You may have turned me into your game...but I showed you how it's played...'

And With one giant slam, I throw her body into the shattered glass....

She falls back into the smashed glass and falls off of the window sill. A rainfall of glass falls with her as she falls off from the building. 

Before she could vanish from my sight, she  gives me her last look.

Not of a killer. Or a torturer. Or a drug-lord. Or of a destroyer.

But of a broken woman with a torn heart.

As she is in the air, I lift up my bow.

'Straight arms, relaxed shoulders, focus, exhale...


I let the arrow fly...

and let it sink into her broken heart.

Her heart starts to cry blood as her final squeal leaves her body and she free falls from 4 stories high

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Her heart starts to cry blood as her final squeal leaves her body and she free falls from 4 stories high. With the shower of glass raining on her, her weightless body descends gracefully to the ground as gravity pulls her in.

Her eyes look at me for the last time before her body plunges into the floor...

Her body splits into two and her innards fully exposed and her lifeless body just explodes blood as her carcass makes contact with the ground. My arrow stays standing in her body as her white blotchy eyes close for the last time. Her eyes just stare at me, white and drained as if to say that I shouldn't have won, as if to say that she made a mistake in choosing which character to use to fight.  Blood just keeps on pouring out of her corpse like a waterfall.

I look from above. I see the body of the woman who destroyed my family. Who played with me like a toy. Who played with my feelings. Who turned my life into her own game. Who possessed my life with her own rules. Who played with me and made me believe that I lost in every game.

But in this game...I won.

I won and my prize was life.

Then my mind runs back to Adam


Then as I run back down the stairs to find Adam again, I hear the sounds that I have always dreaded to hear right from the very start.

The chimes of the last tick tocks escape from my body. Signifying my approaching end.

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