Chapter 9: Cheating...

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Ashley's POV:

All their fingers are resting on their triggers. 

'How Tragic. The next time Ma-Ma will see her brother, he'll just another effort to clean up...' says one of the soldiers. I have to do something fast.

I slot another red-tipped arrow in my bow and aim. Straight arms, relaxed shoulders, focus, exhale, and release. Just like Alli in the Valentina Gardens.

Aiming for the man holding Daryl by his neck, I pull the arrow back and let it fly..

I miss. It goes flying past, slicing through the air like a knife cutting through warm butter. Just a centimeter away from one of the soldier's head. It whistles and hisses through the air, landing deep into one of the gas pipes, leaking the suffocating gas in the air around them.

'The fuck that arrow comes from?' says one of them. Looking around to find the culprit of the arrow, staring at it, sunk into the metal.

'One of Ma-Ma's arrows...That from your little BITCH?' He spits at Daryl's face as I see sweat beading across his forehead. I can see the fear radiating off of him.

They hold their guns up just in case it happens again. It will.

I slot another red-tipped arrow in my bow and I pull it back. I aim for his head again. Straight arms, relaxed shoulders, focus, exhale, and release. Just like Alli.

It chops through the air perfectly. Again, I annoyingly miss. Instead, landing in the same hole that the previous arrow landed in. Sinking in the hole in the gas pipe. Pouring more of the gas in their surroundings. But this time, they don't notice as the arrow hardly made a noise.

'Right let's go..' He drags Daryl form his position and they start to walk.  SHIT. What th ehell do I do? I can't afford to keep missing.

I slot another red-tipped arrow in my bow and I pull it back. I aim for his head again. Straight arms, relaxed shoulders, focus, exhale, and release. Just like Alli.

But before I get to release the arrow...

'Here, use this...' I gasp and spin around. I fucking forgot that I was in someone's flat..SHIT!

I'm in the living room. With a small crimson fire burning in the fire place. With furniture thrown all across the room and glass sprayed across the floor. Scalding light from the sun pouring in from what was once, the windows. It doesn't look like a living room to me anymore. Looks like people have died in this room .It looks like a shootout happened in here.

The girl in front of me has curly brown hair, flawless light skin and looked around my age. She looks incredibly familiar. And she was holding a lighter.

'It's okay. I know who you are and what you're doing. Look. I wanna help you. They've killed my sister and they've trashed my flat looking for you and the man you're with. I want them dead. I've lost the game and now you have to win it for me. One shot, one kill'

Oh my God..Her older sister.

'Come on, hurry up. Just trust me or you'll have no time left to win the game...'

She grabs one of the arrows from my quiver and lights it on fire.

'Now..Let it fly, Ashley...Change the game, Never let the game change you..'

'Thank you.' I say. 'Don't worry. I promise. I'm going to win. For both of you. I'll play them at them at their own game. And they'll be mad. Because I've finally learnt how to play their game...'

The small amber flame dances elegantly as I pull it back. Straight arms, relaxed shoulders, focus, exhale, and release. And in less than a second, the entire room explodes into a blinding bonfire, sending me and her flying across the room, setting the squad on fire.

I run to help her on her feet but she turns me away.

'No. Leave me. You sister did the same thing for mine. And look what happened to her. Now go and win. For Sky'

I stumble towards the door. When I open it, the disgusting strangling air suffocates me as I walk out of the flat. I see the bodies decorating the floor, being consumed by the hungry fire that I lit. I start to scan through the bodies. Trying to catch a glimpse of Daryl

'Daryl? Daryl! Daryl?!'

The sickening smoke conceals the corridor, making it harder to see.

Then, a few meters away, wavy blonde hair, lifeless green specks swimming in a pool of blue eyes, white dirty pale skin...body already half devoured by my blaze.

Oh no. Daryl?


Adam's POV:

Not long left.My head is now completely twisted upwards, I think the cuff has cut of the blood supply to my neck. And it's getting kinda harder to breathe. My limbs, I swear they're about to drop off.

The currents go dashing through me.

Don't panic. Just don't panic. Happy thoughts. Yes, think happy thoughts.

I miss her green puppy eyes. and her smile. I remember the first time I saw Ashley.

In the Valentine Gardens with, who I think was her older sister. All those years ago.

'Always remember Ash. Straight arms, relaxed shoulders, focus, exhale, and release.'

I remember the arrow cutting through the air effortlessly before hitting the core of the apple. Dead center.

'Damn Alli' Ashley says with her voice. And that cute smile. She was happy that day.It was that one time when the day was truly hers. Not traumatized by the torture that happens every single day. Forgetting about reality and living life how they were supposed to.

When we were in that room, she wasn't the same Ashley in the Valentina Gardens. She--

'How you doing, Adam?' Ma-Ma bursts through the door, making what's left of me, jump.

'You doing alright?' She says with her asphyxiating voice. I swear that's the first thing I'll deal with when I get my hands on her.

'I-I'm v-v-very well, t-thanks. How con-considerate of you to a-ask' I swear these currents have burnt my insides out.

'Great!' There's that smirk again. I'll be glad to wipe it off her face if I wasn't NAILED to the ground.

'But unfortunately for your friends..they've been very naughty. I was on my way to meet them when they have just blew up one of my floors and set one of my troops on fire. They already got past the defences. How rude'

In your face, Bitch. Yes, they're safe. They're okay. For now.

'And I can't wait to get my hands on them. So, to speed things up..' Ma-Ma turns a little wheel on the side of her. What was now 40 hours has turned to 40 minutes...and my cuff around my neck immediately springs upwards, cutting off the air I have craved for so long. The currents go zooming through my burnt, broken body. And the nails dug deep in my hands start to fidget, stroking against the already broken bones and burst arteries and collapsed veins.

'They'll come running in to save you now..'

'YOU CHEATED! YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!' No more shitting myself. No more loyalty. No more fantasies. No more lies. No more letting fear control me. No more Ma-Ma.

She starts to cackle. Her laughs echo throughout the room. Vibrating my 'cube'.


' motherfucking bitch...' 


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