Chapter 31

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''SHOOT HER!'' Dean screamed. ''Shoot her now!'' Logan aimed the weapon at her, prepared to shoot. Selena couldn't step away, she stared at him. She frozen in her footsteps. She couldn't keep her eyes away from the weapon that was right infront of her. Logan stared deeply in her eyes and he was about to kill her.

All of a sudden, her turned around and the weapon went straight through Dean's heart. ''Why?'' Dean managed to say.

''They may be monsters but they're not evil. You are.'' And moments later, Dean was dead.

''Logan..'' Selena ran towards him, putting her arms around him. ''You didn't kill me..'' she pulled away.

''I would never kill you, never.'' He put his hands on both her cheeks and leaned in so his forehead was on hers. All of a sudden, Selena kneeled down as some kind of stake went through her chest. ''SELENA!''

She collapsed on the floor, and Lucy stood there with a stake in her hands which she pulled out of her. ''YOU KILLED HER!'' he yelled at Lucy. He went on the floor and took her in his arms.

''No ..I didn't.'' she mumbled. Logan noticed something that seemed to be vampire speed, he grabbed his weapon and shot with it. Noticing that he hit Klaus, whose face growed white and kneeled on the floor, dead. Moments later, Selena's eyes fluttered open. She winced, feeling a small pain.  ''Logan..'' she said.

''Selena..'' he smiled. ''Your alive..''

''I want pizza..'' she mumbled and he giggled. ''Why would you want pizza, your a don't eat pizza. You drink blood.''

''eww, why on earth would I drink that?'' 

''It worked.'' Lucy cheerfully said as she smiled.

Logan looked up at Lucy. ''What do you mean?'' he asked confused.

''Listen, I wasn't betraying anyone. Yeah, I'm a hybrid now but then I heard Klaus talking about this cure, this stake. So I just pretended to be evil, and here I have the stake and now Selena's ... human.'' She smiled.

Joe stepped towards Lucy. ''For real?'' he asked surprised.

''For real Joe..'' She looked at him and he took her hand, stroking her cheek with it. ''I hated betraying you guys, but it had to be done.''

''What happened?'' Damon ran towards them, seeing Selena in Logan's arms. ''Get away from her!''

''Stop it Damon, she's fine.'' Joe had said. ''You can't have her.''

''Oh yeah, says who?''

''He's right Damon, you can't have me.'' She stood gently up, Logan helped her. ''I'm not  a vampire anymore.'' Damon's eyes slowly widened. ''I don't love you, and you don't love me. Yo just want me, you want control. Stop trying to control everything, find someone who's worthy of your love but I'm not that girl. I love Logan, I've always loved him and now I can finally be with him.  And I'm gonna go grow old with him.''

''Your right.'' She couldn't believe Damon said that, everyone stared at him strangely. ''You cannot give me what I seek.'' he whispered quietly and stepped closer to her. He put his hand on her cheek, stroking it gently. ''Goodbye Selena,'' he said and left the house.

Logan and Selena were together and both human. Finally Selena got what she truly wanted. Joe and Lucy were dating, it was kind of a miracle that she was a hybrid now because that kind of ment that there were no problems. They weren't enemies.  Elena couldn't believe it but she was actually dating a werewolf. Derek. He could be controlling and quite angry sometimes but she loved him and he loved her. Something just clicked between them when he was guarding her. She couldn't stand him but grew to love him.

Damon eventually stopped being a fool and got over Selena. He found himself a vampire girl, her name was Rose and they spent their eternity together.


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