Chapter 14

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[Selena's POV]

I didn't go to work the next day. The thought of having to face and tell Logan that we could no longer be together would tear me apart, and him also.

I was in bed all day trying not to think about him. I suddenly heard a vibrate, and soon I heard ringing. I checked the caller ID and it was Logan, I couldn't talk to him right now. I just couldn't. Few moments later, Joe called and atleast I could answer him.


'' Hey Sel, '' he greeted on the line.

'' Hey..'' I said awkwardly, wondering what he wanted.

''So why aren't you here today? Logan and I are worried about you, even Elena and Logan can't even reach you.''

''Yeah, I'm sorry..I just don't feel all that well today, I will try to come tomorrow..if not I will be there the day after tomorrow, just ask Elena to take my place. I'm sure she will be up to it,'' I told Joe, hoping he wouldn't get suspicious. I tried to act as convincing  I could. He seemed to buy the whole act. 

''Well okay, please get better Selena.''

''I'll try as I can,'' I told Joe. ''Bye,'' I said and hung up on him.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming into my room, I looked up and it was aunt Cindy. I wondered what she wanted this time, probably one more lecture. Probably the same one as always, don't see Logan ever again. Don't be with him, humans and vampires don't belong together. It wouldn't surprise me if she would mention it, it's what she does.

''Say it, whatever it is,'' I mumbled and she heard me. 

''I was just wondering if you had got ridden of that boy yet..'' she said, staring at me. I looked at her with my angry and sad eyes.

''It's in process..'' I replied, faking a smile.

''Good, just do it before it's too late,'' ahe said and walked out of the room. 

[Normal POV]

Everyone were out of the house, Lucy wasn't there or aunt Cindy. It was just Selena, it was getting closer to night and it was 10 pm. Lucy and Cindy went to some gathering and were going to stay there, Selena was invited but she refused.

Selena walked out of her bedroom to get something to drink in the kitchen. All of a sudden she heard a noise. She stopped to hear it, but she heard nothing. She decided to ignore it but heard it once again. It was coming from the living room, or so she thought. She walked into the living room slowly trying to see if anyone was there. She found no one and found herself relieved. When she turned around she shouted.

''Oh my god you scared me ''

''Sorry, '' Logan said.  ''Why weren't you in today?''

'' I ... feel sick ... '' she said, starting to feel uncomfortable. ''You should leave or you'll get infected by my flue.''

''You don't seem sick to me..'' he protested. 

''Well I am,'' Selena argued, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

''Is something wrong, did something happen between us that I don't know because you've been avoiding me alot lately...''

''No I haven't, '' Selena protested, not wanting him to make this happen. Not wanting him to make the things true that Damon wanted to  happen.

''Yes you haven't answered my calls, you havent been showing up to work and now this? What is going on with you?'' he said putting his hand on Selena's cheek and stroking it, trying to show his affections. She held it and put it away.

'' I don't think we should see each other anymore.''

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