Chapter 1

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It was a cold winter night as they were spending few days in the cottage in the forest up in the country.   Selena was reading a small magazine while resting on the sofa. Her parents were talking, and the dog seemed somewhat daunted as if there was something wrong. Then the dog's barking and growling became worse. 

''Okay now there's something going on,'' her father said out loud as he was already walking from Selena's mom. 

''I think there's something out there dad,'' Selena said looking out the window, staring into the forest.

''I'll go check it out,'' he said and took his gun with him which he always kept in the cottage.

''No dad, don't!'' she begged. 

''Don't worry dear, I'll be fine,'' he assured her. But the fear in her bones somehow didn't convince her. There was something out there. She feared that something bad was gonna happen. After a while of waiting she heard him scream. She ran out and took her jacket.

''Selena no!'' her mother shouted, trying to stop her but she couldn't stop her.

She saw her father being bitten, and it was some kind of beast, with fangs. Her eyes widened, not believing what she was seeing. A beast like this is reminded her of the creatures in the stories that lived on blood, the same ones as Dracula. Vampires.  She had always heard stories about them, but not really knowing they were real. The beast let go of her father, and there he was, her father. Dead in the snow.

Her mother came out. ''Selena come back!'' The beast's eyes looked at her mother.

''You stay away from my mom! '' she said, but the vampire smiled, and rushed over to her mother, and the next thing Selena's mom was dead too. Selena  wondered if it was going to kill her too. 

Soon, a man came, she assumed he was a vampire too. He was wearing a long black jacket, his dark hair reached his shoulders and he had a black beard. Looking at Selena he said,'' Well hello there.'' It was like he was trying to make her feel better. Like that would help, he was the one who was responsible for this most likely. 

He bent over to her, stoking her cheek. '' I'll take care of you now. '' His fake smile suddenly turned into a horrifying smirk. 

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