Chapter 27

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It was dark and they were all still at Logan's house.

Selena watched as Logan was still silent. He sat in the corner and watched them as they talked about this Klaus and Damon, who he wasn't a very big fan of. She tried to smile at him but he only shook his head and tried to avoid looking at her. She stepped towards him. ''Are you okay? Derek knocked you down pretty hard,'' she asked as she was concerned about him.

''Yeah, sorry about that..'' Derek suddenly called out as he had been listening to their small conversation. Joe then pushed Derek a little with his strong hands.

''It's not nice to listen to other people's conversations Derek..'' Joe said to him. Derek growled at him, looking at him with angry eyes. ''Just because I'm a part of your pack it doesn't mean that I can't speak my mind..'' Joe folded his arms. Derek was strong and big and of course the alpha but he could be rude and angry.  

''Anyway..'' Selena said as she rolled her eyes and turned to Logan again. ''Are you okay?'' she asked Logan who obviously didn't want to talk to her or any of them.

''I'm fine Selena, are you? Oh right, of course you are .. because your a vampire and your strong..''

''Logan, please..''

''Whatever is going out here, leave me out of it. You want that right? You pretty much made sure of that the other day when you said you wanted to be with Damon forever..for eternity...'' he mimicked her voice as he remembered that night.

''Logan..I seriously didn't.-''

Logan felt anger building up inside him. ''-What the hell are all of you doing at my house? GO, find some other place to plot whatever your plotting..'' he yelled and as he did, Derek and Joe quickly looked at him. A moment later, they looked at each other before they both went out the window that they had come through.  Selena shook her head before she used her vampire speed and left the house. 

Selena arrived into her house and ran up to her bedroom. She jumped by seeing Damon standing there. ''Oh my god, you scared me..''

''Where the hell have you been?'' he suddenly snapped. She raised her eyebrows, breathing heavily. Why was he so angry? And he had no right to be after everything he had done to her.

''Why does it matter?'' she asked as she closed the door after her.

He hit the wall with fury. ''DAMN IT, Selena. Answer me when your supposed to!''

''Oh because that has worked so well for you..Is that what happened with Klaus? Is that why he's after you?'' He suddenly slapped her across her face. Her lip busted and she touched it as she felt blood on it.  ''Don't get me upset...''

''your mad because I don't obey you?'' she spat at him.

''No I'm mad at you because I love you..'' He half shouted at her.

''So you love me Damon, but you go outside and beat up the ones I care about..''

''What?'' he asked confused.

''You beat up Logan..'' she replied.

''He was with you?'' asked Damon.

''Oh so your going to beat him up again now?'' She folded her arms, stepping towards him.

''If I have too..'' He smirked. She tried to hit him but he only prevented her, he was stronger then her and pulled her fist back. She took her hand away.  

''Your just a lonely soul..'' she said and turned away from him, when she was going to turn back at him, he was gone.

Lucy was by herself when she saw Joe walking across the street. She couldn't help but smile because she felt that she began liking him. Even though she had told him to stay away from her and her family he wouldn't.

''Hey Joe!'' she called. He looked at her and stopped in his tracks. He waved a little and walked the other way. Was he avoiding her and why?

''Joe!'' she called and ran after him.

''Lucy..hi..'' he greeted quietly as he felt uncomfortable around her. His hands were burried in his pockets and he kept his distance from her.

''Your acting very strange Joe, what's the matter with you?''

Joe took a deep breath as he knew what he was going to say next. ''I get what you ment by staying away from you and now I'm going to, okay?''  He was about to walk off when she grabbed his arm to stop him from going, and he did. Lucy released his arm from her grip as she shook her head.

''But I don't want you too, I like you.'' She smiled brightly but he didn't smile back, he only seemed to look even more serious and troubled. 

''Your a vampire..'' said Joe. She felt the whole world come crashing down on her shoulders. How could he have possibly known? ''And I'm the opposite of you, a werewolf. We are enemies..''

''YOUR A WEREWOLF?'' she shouted as they were in the middle of the street.

''Keep your voice down..Lucy'' He suddenly covered her mouth, and looked around to see if anybody was there. When Joe saw that no one wasn't, he quickly pulled his hand away from her mouth.

''How is this possible?'' she asked him as she was still in shock.

''It is the way it is Lucy..'' 

''But..I like you Joe..''

He began to growl out of annoyance. ''WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I just told you I'm a werewolf..''

She stepped away as he snapped at her. Lucy figured he wanted nothing to do with her.  ''I guess your right then, since you can be Selena's friend but not mine..'' She ran off before he could say anything more.

''Lucy!'' he called after her. She turned around to look at him but felt herself being pulled in a big van and someone who covered her mouth.

''LUCY!'' she heard Joe scream as he saw her being pulled away. The van drove off before he could get to it.

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