Chapter 20

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Logan was still on his way home and it was dark. Somehow the cold and the darkness frightened him. He zipped up his jacket and tried to remind himself that he had watched way too many movies. He then remembered that the girl he is in love with is a vampire so anything could be possible. He could've swore that he caught some shadows and that he was being watched. He then knew that he was a man and he couldn't be like a scared little boy.

''What drives a young man like you too the darkness?'' He heard a dark voice say from the shadows. He shivered from fear wondering where this would lead him to. The man came out from the shadows and it was Damon. It was the man Selena told him she was in love with and wanted to be with forever.

''Just taking a stroll home..'' Then a few guys came following after Damon, and he knew they weren't human.

''Look Logan, your a nice guy but I can't risk having you around Selena.'' He smirked in the knowledge of what he was going to do next.

''I just..'' Logan said, taking a step back. ''Selena told me she wanted nothing to do with me and I accept that okay. She wants to be with you, she's in love with you..''

''I win..'' Damon smiled and the other guys laughed. Logan knew he was trying to make them do that. ''As long as you stay away, no harm will come to you. If you will..this will happen again..'' Logan raised his eyebrow wondering what he ment. At that moment Damon knocked him down to the ground. ''And it will be worse..'' he finished and walked off with his so called vampire friends.  

Logan slowly rose up from the ground and walked home, knowing that it was best he would never see Selena's face ever again. But was it the right choice, as far as he knew he tried to hurt him but would he live to hurt Selena? And if he would, a forever with him wasn't the best for Selena

Elena was by herself in the bakery when something suddenly took her by surprise. Selena walked inside which she hadn't done for a while. She looked bitter like Elena and struggled to find what words she should say to her. ''Elena, Listen..''

''Selena,'' she interrupted. ''I am sorry but I'm not sorry for saying that your making a mistake.''

Selena looked down knowing that her new best friend was right, it was just that she didn't have a choice, if it was any other way she wouldn't marry Damon. Ever. ''I know... but I 'd really appreciate it if you'd come to my engagement party. And please give this to Joe,'' she said handing her an invite to the engagement party.

''If it makes you happy, I'll be there.'' She smiled.

''Thank you..'' Selena said, forcing a smile.

''So, have you seen Logan?''

''Yes..I told him actually last night.''

''Really?'' she asked surprised. ''How did he take it?''

''I just told him the truth Elena, that I don't love him and don't need him, but it's Damon.'' She lied, it's only Logan and will only ever be Logan. ''And he'll just have to manage without me..''

Elena raised her eyebrow at her, surprised that she would say stuff like that. The point was that she knew Damon was watching her every move and hearing her every word. She had to convince him by convincing others like Elena. And the worst part was that now she had almost convinced herself.

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