Chapter 3

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''You're gonna be there right?'' Lucy asked her, beaming. 

''Tomorrow night?'' Selena responded.

''Yeah, tomorrow night,'' Lucy said folding her arms slowly. ''You have to be there.''

''Relax Lucy...'' she said, putting her hands on her shoulders. ''I'll be there, even though it's going to be deadly boring.'' 

The next day Selena arrived to the bakery as usual. '' Hey Joseph, '' she greeted.

''Selena, I told you not to call me that!'' he whined.

''I don't get it. What's wrong with Joseph?'' she giggled.

''Joe is just more cool.'' Selena rolled her eyes smiling  and started getting to work.

When her shift was over, she yawned slowly but realized that meant tomorrow would be here soon. She was overwrought and was positive she didn't want to be with him. She hated her family's plans, the plans they had for her. As old as she was, she was sure she could make choices for herself, and that's what she wanted.

''I'll see you  later Joseph,'' she said.

He grinned. ''Selena stop calling me that ''

''You can't make me,'' she laughed as she was joking. ''Alright bye,'' she said and put her leather jacket on, leaving the bakery.

With the hearing she had, she could hear noises from the corner of the next street. Like something was going on. She didn't know whether to ignore it or do something about it. She closed her eyes. ''It would be the right thing to do, someone could be dead.''

She rushed over there and saw three guys attacking one guy. He tried to get away but he couldn't. She rushed over to the one guy and threw him away, with the strength she had. She moved on to the next one, punching him and kicking him to the wall.  Instantaneously he was unconscious. ,

''You want some too?'' she asked the one guy who was still standing. He shook his head and ran away.

She turned her head to look at the guy they had attacked. ''Thank you for that, it meant a lot... '' he said standing up, still looking at the ground. It was her time to leave and never see him again and that's precisely what she did.

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