Chapter 28

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Joe knocked on Selena's window as hard as he could. She was half asleep but woke up by the banging. She saw him outside her window and rose up from her bed as quick as she possibly could.

''SELENA'' he yelled as he banged on the window so hard that he came close to breaking it.  

She opened it carefully and he climbed inside her bedroom. ''People need to learn to use the door..'' she mumbled to herself. ''And don't be so loud, my Aunt Cindy is sleeping.''

''They took Lucy!''

Her eyes widened. ''Who?''

''You know who, Klaus and his vampires..'' Joe said as he paced back and forth around her bedroom. He didn't seem to be able to calm down.

''Oh my god, how and when?'' Selena felt herself panicking and touched his shoulder to stop him from pacing so much.

''It doesn't matter, Klaus is trying this and I know it. He's just trying to pull Damon in..'' He looked into her eyes carefully.

''He doesn't care for Lucy, he doesn't care for anything..'' Selena said. All of a sudden Elena appeared out of nowhere, she had climbed up the fire escape and came through the open window.

''Seriously?'' Selena whined. ''Doesn't anyone use the front door?''

''He cares for you Selena..'' said Elena as she had overheard their conversation. She remembered her small conversation with Damon and how he practically admitted to caring for her.

''So..why wouldn't Klaus just take me instead?''

''Maybe he wants to get on a wolf's radar in a bad way...'' Elena said. ''

Why?'' Selena asked.

''He's trying to make someone angry..''

''Maybe someone cares for Derek..and they are enemies..'' Then they both turned to look at Joe who seemed awkward, standing there.  

''Klaus has clearly been spying on me, and Lucy.. he has just been waiting for the right move..'' He cleared his throat as he felt even more awkward as he noticed how Selena was staring at him. Suddenly he saw that Selena's lips formed a smile and she was clearly going to say something cute. He raked his hands through his dark hair.

''You like her?'' Selena asked and Joe nodded slowly. ''Seriously?'' Joe couldn't help but fake a smile as he felt embarassment about answering that question,  but he also couldn't help but think about Lucy's up abouts and if she was truly safe.

Logan was trying to clean up the mess in his house. Shattered glass was on the floor after Derek and Joe had come through the window. Was it that neccesary? Couldn't they just have used the front door? He rolled his eyes in that thought and continued cleaning. All of a sudden he flinched back as he saw a man he had never seen before, standing in the open door.

''Who the hell are you?'' he asked. ''I don't have a gun but I'm sure I can use something if your going to attack me..'' he threatened.

''Don't worry, I won't..'' he said, serious.  ''You know it took a lot of time to find you..''

''Who are you?'' Logan asked as he still wasn't sure of to trust this guy after all he had gone through.

''I'm Dean..and there's something you should know about yourself. First and formost, I'm your cousin and your a's in your blood..''

Lucy woke up in an empty room. The last thing she remembered was seeing Joe and being pulled into a van, then suddenly everything became dark. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. It was dark and trashed.  She reached for a blood bag that was on the floor but it was empty. It was too humiliate her, she knew it. All of a sudden the doors bursted wide open and he walked inside, Klaus.

''I see you've..not fed..'' He smirked as if to let her know that he was amused. She looked at him with disgust. ''Your despicable..'' she spat at him, mouthful of blood after being attacked.

''And soon you will be too, my love..'' He laughed, and she only wondered what he ment by that. He bent over to her and leaned closer to her but suddenly jumped on her and she screamed. He bit her neck. She was knocked out and he rose up to his feet, looking down on her.

''Now your one of my hybrids..'' he said and walked out of the room.

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