Chapter 24

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Elena entered the bakery. She figured she could have skipped to go but then she realized that not showing up would be worse. She saw Joe sitting there. He looked up to see her standing there and stood up. ''Hey, your late. Which is weird.'' He laughed. ''Normally, your always the first one to show up..''

''Yeah, I guess I'm tired. I was in Selena's engagement party last night.'' He looked surprised and walked towards her.

''Oh yeah? How was it?''

''It was...interesting.'' He nodded and put his hand on her arm. She whined, as he had touched her at the exact spot she got hurt.

''Sorry, are you okay?''

''Yeah I'm fine..just uh a little bit sore after a workout,'' she lied as she rubbed her arm, hoping he wouldn't get suspicious. Elena tried to giggle and suddenly bumped into his leg, he flinched suddenly. ''What's wrong with you?''

''Uhh, nothing..'' he said. ''Let's get to work.'' 

Logan was at the exact same spot he and Selena had their first date. On the bridge by the waterfall. He looked down at the water from the bridge, showing his reflection. Sometimes he wished Selena would appear and kiss him. He didn't care that she was a vampire, he wanted to be with her more then anything.

Selena would occasionally go there but when he wasn't there. She thought the almost same thing. Logan only thought of the words he said to her. About wanting to be with Damon, not him.

Lucy was in her room, when all of a sudden her mother (Cindy) barged inside. ''Please mom come in, so you can interrupt what ever I'm doing. That's not gonna stop you, is it?'' She rolled her eyes. Her mother was so frustrating sometimes.

''Oh don't be such a child, now that Selena's almost married we can get you prepared...''

''Yeah as if..''


''What? Mom I'm not ready okay and I don't want some older guy like Damon to be controlling my life..''


''You know what mom? I'm going out. I don't need this..'' she said and picked up her jacket and walked outside. She was walking by herself when she noticed Joe standing there. He waved at her and she shook her head wondering what he wanted this time. ''What are you doing here?''

''What? Can't a guy be here by himself for no apparent reason?'' She glared at him. He only laughed and he began walking, she didn't know why but she decided to walk with him. He was Selena's friend, so how bad could he have been?

Selena thought about Logan. Damon was trying to be romantic and show her as much love as he could. All she wanted was to be with Logan. She couldn't do it anymore she had to go see him.

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