Day 70

21 1 0

Oct. 4th, 2013

Dear reader,

I hope you've made very useful tact out of my entries and have used all the information in it to get through your stressful hours of survival.

At dawn, I reach the bar as planned. Carmen stands outside the door.

I run and hug her, feeling sad already. Her journal looked as beat up as mine did.

"You ready?" Carmen says.

"Always was." I say.

We both step into the bar at the same time. The lady at front recognizes Carmen and smiles.

"What would you two like, girls? Resources? Guns?" The lady smiles.

"We're giving these to you. If any survivors come in, let them have these. They have some great advice in them." Carmen says, sliding the journal over the desk.

I write this last entry before saying good bye quietly to all the memories in the journal and slide it over.


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