Day 31

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August 26th, 2013

So for the whole day everyone took up five ropes tied to coyote meat on the ends and went all around a mile from the house tieing them to different tree branches.

"This is a really smart plan, Nick. But what would the other outcome of this once the meat is all gone?" Keith's dad asks me as I tie my last roped meat on a pine trees branch.

"They'll never actually get at the meat. It'll be way to high, but they can still smell it. The outcome is that these brain sucking crap heads won't be coming to the house for months." I say.

Keith's dad nods. "Good. Now what do we do?" He asks once everyone got back to the house drinking milk.

I was slightly shocked that he was asking me as a leader. I smirk. "Nothing. We wait for Carmen and Juliana."

Keith looks at me, "We can't do that." Right on que. "We should start cutting trees down and forage and farm like true survivors."

I smile, officially proud my training with Keith paid off. He'd be the leader when I'm around; and when I'm not.



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