Day 25

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August 20th, 2013

Today would be my uncle's birthday. Hope all you people out there care. Thunder and lightening have been showing up ever since we made it to PA. Twelve zombies had to be killed as we walked onward. Riley and Nate wanted to go past Sequim and go see this lady named Connie. Keith and I were pissed that they wanted to completely disobey their older sibling. But we went anyway.

She was alive which was good, along with her husband. They were both really old and when she opened her pantry to feed us it was packed. Riley and Nate looked like they wanted to stay too much, so I have decided we leave in the morning.

By the afternoon, Connie brought us to her little house. A smaller house that was a garage but turned into a carpeted nice room. There was even a small toilet in a corner with a pull up wall to gaurd from peepers. There was two couches, some blankets and pillows, snacks, a TV, and three tiny windows. Connie was pretty cool.

Riley and Nate had imeddiately sat down amd turned on the TV. Keith and I watched from a distance. We both wanted to just contenue our journey, but Juliana's sibling did not.

Once, the sky darkened, Connie checked on us, gave us dinner and washed the toilet. Afterwards she told us kindly that we could stay as long as we liked. At that, Riley and Nate looked even more cheerful. Good grief.

"Guys, we're leaving in the morning." I say, sitting on the opposite end of the couch that Riley sat on.

"Why?" Riley whined.

"This isn't our food to take. We have weapons to hunt with. We have tree huts to sleep in. We don't deserve to stay here when we haven't done a kind thing to this couple." I say.

"Connie is nice like that," Riley says, "We could be safe here. Never have to worry about zombies. This place is all locked up."

"We're going in the morning, Keith says, "Whether you brats like it or not."

So we fell asleep there and, well, it was the most nicest place I've ever been in.



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