Day 3

65 4 3

July 29th, 2013

Dear reader,

So far, I'm trying to get some sleep in an abandoned car four miles down the highway I followed. If you're keeping track like me, my siblings and I have outsmarted a few zombies and a dog. My brother and sister are keeping close to me and follow my directions. Well, I might as well give you the story of what happened after the highway came into our sights.

Once the highway came into sight, I changed from limping like a corpse to speed walking. Riley follows along, but Nate is a different story. He hisses and growls and I don't even realize he's trying to catch my attention until Riley touches my shoulder.

"Pack." He says so low that even I had a hard time hearing the word.

I look to where his eyes indicate and my heart quickens. About eleven zombies were crawling or limping our way, skin raw and teeth clacking. They didn't realize we were humans just yet; they would need to be closer to actually catch the savory scent of human skin. I swallow.

Avoiding a zombie pack is only the easiest if you are near a water way since no zombie knows how to swim or you somehow had the ability to fly. Zombies are trackers by destiny, every single walking corpse has a feeling a raw hunger and each knows where a human scent is strongest and that's why in many zombie movies, the people are always being attacked in their own home, store, or backyard.

I take a steady limp away from the Pack and towards the highway. The Pack followed and the closer they got the farther we took a step away. We were getting farther and farther away from the highway and more to the automobile shop my dad worked at. The Pack got even closer when we were right next to one of the two garages of the shop. The Pack sniffed the air. They went still except for the sudden shakes some of the zombies made.

One zombie hissed and then so did the others. They were looking for a reaction. Riley and Nate held up their oar-spears. I slowly grabbed my bow and placed an arrow in place.

Suddenly one after another took a cautious step toward us and then they started to run.

"Crap." I sigh, quickly pulling the string back and then pettin the arrow fly through the air and strike a zombie's eye. The zombie falls from impact and knocks over a few other zombies. The incident is a shock to the corpses who've probably never heard of an attacking human rather an attacking zombie.

We run. The highway was a diagonal straightaway. The zombies only then start to realize were a few feet ahead of them racing away and soon start to chase after. Riley is the youngest so she was faltering. Nate kept pace next to me. I look behind my shoulder and almost wish I hadn't. Zombies only a few inches away from Riley are screeching with rage as they try to grab a hold of Riley but miss.

"Stretch out your oar!" I gasp as a zombie comes very close to snatching her shirt.

Riley stretches out the oar to me without hesitating and I grab it, risking her to lose her grip completely, and pull the oar and Riley forward next to me. She keeps pace with me then.

Heart pounding, lungs burning we make it to the highway and race up the ramp. The Pack is slowing behind us. Their fury is felt in the air and it only makes me more determined to get to a place we would be safe.

"Cars!" Nate gasps, "That one. It has a door open!"

My brother was right. A small red Honda with a broken headlight sat silently abandoned on the side of the ramp. The driver side was slightly ajar. I use the last of my energy to get to the car. The Pack is mere seconds away. Riley, Nate, and I some how jump into the car and lock the door before the zombies get close to us. The windows are dark and once we are safe in the car, the zombies sniff the air and clack their teeth.

"They...will lose our...scent now." Nate huffs, slowly catching his breath.

Riley is already asleep. As I catch my own breath I feel the ache of my feet and I desperately want to get some shut eye as well. Nate rests his head against the seat and stares quietly at the window.


"She's late." I sigh, full of worry as I look at the clock.

My friend Connie smiles her old sweet smile, "She'll be here soon, lil 'Darlin. You and Carmen haven't see eachother in a while, so I don't doubt she's just taking her time to remember where I live."

I try to believe that. Carmen and I have been wanting to see eachother for a very long time and today was the day we could finally meet up again and catch up.

As I take a bite of my lunch, there's a small knock on the glass door. I look up and almost don't recognize her. Her hair has deffinately grown longer, but not long enough to get past being called 'short'. Her face; her jaw is more square. She's taller too. Carmen. I've really just seen what's changed since we've been apart.


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