Day 42

33 0 0

Sept. 6th, 2013

Dear reader,

I hope you got the best advice out of those entries I never wrote. I'm pretty much out of advice at the moment so hold yourself together in the mean time.

I had a horrible nightmare last night about Nick becoming infected and zombifying so soon and killing everyone in their sleep. Speaking of Nick, he's torn a page out from this journal and wrecked up a few. I just hope that doesn't happen again or else my story will never be known.

Carmen and I had found my parents. They'd been left for dead by bandits and my mom had been infected. We cured her and Carmen, who'd gotten infected as well. That makes a total of four people who've been infected once in our group. I just hope we don't run out of the antidote.

I mean, now that I think about it, we've already found the cure, have refuge, and have all of our survivors together again. This zombie apocalypse should come to its end hopefully.

The door to Kieth's bedroom opens and I'm the only one awake. The doctor steps out, his clothes slightly bloody and his hands red. I sweep past him but he catches my arm before I can enter.

"Be careful. I just finished his surgery." He whispers, knowing everyone was asleep. Big Nate had fallen asleep as well even though he'd said he'd keep watch.

Once the doctor lets me go I walk more warily into his room. The pale of water was colored red. Towels that had once been used to wrap up Nick's wounds are bright red and slumped over on the ground, staining the rug. Nick's entire chest is wrapped in tight gauze, but underneath that was stitches. A small thumb sized silver bullet lay in Nick's left hand as he slept.

I can't believe Rap would do this....I take the bullet from his hand and study it. A few moments afterwards a hand touches my arm gently.

"Back so soon? Man, you just can't stay away from me, can you?" Nick's raw voice says, a hint of amusement in it.

"The doctor stitched you up. You'll be able to walk in two days at the least." I say, keeping my eyes glued to the bullet.

"Riley told me a few weeks ago that you're birthday had come up." Nick smiled.

"Please tell me you didn't buy me some useless piece of junk off of Ebay."

"What? No. No. I didn't, I swear. I just wanted to give you something...but I sorta lost it."

"Well lets hope you don't find it anytime soon." I say before placing the bullet back into his hand and leaving the room.

When I came back out, Carmen was awake.

"Hey, Cj. Wanna help me make breakfast?" I say.

"Sure. Its better than listening to Riley's snoring." She says.

We make breakfast burritos. And since you survivors probably don't have a recipe, here you go:





Tater Tots



Oven at 325 degrees.


Heat oven to 325 degrees.

Cook eggs, scrambled style.

Cook bacon.

Cook sausage.

Shred cheese.

Place eggs, bacon, sausage, and cheese on your tortilla.

Cook in oven for ten-fifteen minutes.

Take out of the oven and add condiments to your breakfast burrito like salsa, sour cream, more cheese.


So we made a few dozen breakfast burritos and after everyone had a few along with Nick who ate half of one, Carmen and I went for a walk along the field.

"I think there's a small problem for our refuge. Its too small to fit ten people including Jackie." I say when we're far enough away.

"I agree. We need to find another place for...atleast four people to live in until this apocalypse is situated." Carmen replies, a hint of secret in her words.

"Do you have any ideas?" I ask.

"I have a friend. Izzy. She can take Big Nate, your mom, Riley, and Nate to go live with her if you don't mind." Carmen says.

My heart pounded at the thought of leaving my family once again, not knowing if I'll ever see them again. "Umm, yeah. Sure. But let's do it once Nick is on his feet again."

"Sounds like a plan." Carmen says.

"HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!" Five zombies come crawling out from the field to our right.

Carmen and I are back to back as the zombies surround us, shooting at the ones in sight. I shot two and Carmen shot the last three in a swift three second turn before we both sprinted back home.

Around evening, Carmen went to check on Nick, closing the door after her so they could talk alone. Riley and Nate were making more breakfast burritos. Big Nate, Mom, and Kieth and Carmen's dad-which I've decided to call Mr. W. for short-went out for a zombie check. Jackie was begging for small sausage scraps. I went outside, climbed the roof and sat there as it started to rain.


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