Day 38

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Sept. 2nd, 2013

Hey, its Riley again. My birthday is coming up. Its the 23rd. Oh and happy birthday to all those survivors that are still alive out there. I hope Juliana is alive, I miss her like crazy.

Nick has gone pale. He's barely breathing. I hope the group gets back in time. Keith told me the hike to the bar would be three days and three more to get back. That's six days of work for me. Stay strong, Riley.

I've been cooking chicken and potatoes throughout the day, eating some and putting some in the fridge.

Zombies haven't tried to invade the house yet, which I'm very thankful for. That zombie girl gave me the creeps.

Towards the evening I checked on Nick. He wasn't getting any better. The bullet was still inside him and those ribs weren't fixing themselves. Please get here soon Juliana and Carmen! Atleast to say good bye.



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