Day 5

61 3 0

July 31st, 2013

Dear reader,

Day 5, almost a week I've lived, living in the same grimy clothes, having to suffer with nasty hair and skin. Rap, Meteor, Mouse, and Poison have taken us in generously. They have lots of food storage and live in what used to be a house built high up in the trees. Five rooms in all, four bedrooms, and one bathroom. It's decorated with paintings in each room and the windows have been removed. Weapons and clothing are stored in Poison's room. I don't want to stay long; every second is Hell.


Carmen and I are walking down a long road surrounded by tall grass. Every so often I'll see a field mouse.

"Does it ever feel like the grass has something hidden inside?" I ask.

"Like what?" Carmen asks.

"I mean, what if you went into the field and just walked upon treasure?"

"I would be shocked."

Mouse pours water on my face and I sit upright gasping. Riley and Nate were still asleep covered in blankets on the floor next to me. Poison comes over with two other jugs and pours them on my siblings. I desperately wanted to punch these boys in the face but what good would that do.

"Rap wants you all up by 3:00 AM every day for training and preparations." Mouse says just Nate sits up. Riley has deffinately gone into a coma because she doesn't budge when the water is poured on her.

"Riley-what is Rap going to do about my sister?!" I ask, getting up.

"Go ask her yourself. We don't answer questions we give them." Poison says in a low voice.

I get up, wary, and go to Rap's bedroom. Rap doesn't let me in, she just stands in the doorway, wearing all black and carrying a pistol. As I open my mouth to speak, she grabs me by the shirt and shoves me back. When I stumble, she comes forward and pulls me up and onto my feet.

"You aren't even dressed. You're a useless-" She growls.

"Raptor, now you need to shut up. They're here for one day and you're already acting like a bully. She doesn't know our routine, so show some respect!" Meteor walks out from the bathroom and blocks Rap's view of me.

Rap looks besurk and shakes her head then goes into her room, slamming the door. Meteor brings Nate and I into Poison's room just to quickly grab someclothes then get changed in seprate rooms.

"What were you going to ask Rap anyway?" Meteor asks after I'm changed.

"I need to know what your so-called leader is going to do about my sister." I say bluntly.

Meteor stays quiet for a moment, thinking it over. "I think I have an idea, but it requires Rap's permission and a lot of training and map using."

My hope rises. "What's the idea?" But instead of answering, Meteor goes to his own room and shuts the door, a look of concentration on his face. I'm almost startled when Poison calls me to his room.

Poison gives Nate and I each a pistol and knife then leads us outside, down the ladder, and onto the small forest floor.

"What are we doing?" Nate asks.

"Zombie perimeter check," Poison says, "Juliana, you go to the road, Nate goes with me. You see a zombie, you shoot it's fucking head off."

I nod, feeling more frightened then Nate because I would be alone; in the dark. I set off toward the road, hearing more than seeing.

In a scenario where your group turns on you, your best chance of survival is to hide out and kill each member sneak-like.

Once on the black empty road I unhooked the pistol from the belt around my waist and hold it upward, keeping it pointed ahead. I have never done this before and I was feeling sick. I needed to get my siblings to Sequim soon; we weren't even out of our hometown. Sigh.

I flinch at the sound of a trash can being knocked over, coming from behind me. I wish I turned faster because as soon as I turned my head to the noise, the noise of hoarse moans echoed around. I whimper and point my gun at the dark forest, I could only see a few feet infront of me.

"Come on, son of a-" I barely whisper when I remember swearing wasn't something I should bs taking a hobby too, especially around Riley and Nate.

"HISSSSSSS!!!" A zombie comes at me fast, and I only wait a heartbeat before I pull the trigger hard. BANG! Headshot, and I barely aimed with all the shaking in my hands. The body writhes and the chunks of brain are everywhere, especially on my shirt. Revolting.


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