Day 20

42 0 0

August 15th, 2013

Dear reader,

Keep loved ones close during harsh times.

Once the sun rose, Carmen and I were setting Riley's leg. I let her hold Nate movable hand and keep a piece of clean cloth in her mouth for her to bite on.

I held Riley's leg down while Carmen located the bone and set it. Riley was quiet. We quickly wrapped some new cloth around the fixed leg for support.

"It didn't hurt." Riley says mysteriously.

Another deffect in the serum. Next we fixed Nate's arm and by mid-noon, we were with Keith. This was gonna be a nightmare.

I give Carmen the skinning knife and I unwrap the gauze.

"Hold my hand and put this in your mouth," I say putting a piece of cloth in his mouth, "Think of something happy and stare at Jackie the entire time."

There's fear in his eyes, but also a hint of bravery. His sister must be somewhat proud.

I give Carmen a nod and then with my other hand, open up the wound hole and Carmen sticks the knife in carefully.

Keith screams and kicks his legs spastically as the bullet is dug out of his arm. I felt sick. Carmen must feel worse because she's the one inflicting the pain.

Keith keeps his eyes on Jackie. The dog is whimpering, scared because Keith is in pain. Finally after two minutes of bloody work, we get the bullet out. Quickly we wash the freshly opened wound and rewrap it.

"I will never do anything so sickening in my life again." Carmen says.

I leave the tent, not wanting to reply.

By nightfall I'm sitting by the fire again. But this time, Nick is there.

"I'm sorry about that night." He says.

I pull him into a hug. He was like another best friend, and I couldn't stay mad at him forever. He hugs me back and afterwards he joins me in another night of gaurd duty.


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