Day 19

44 1 0

August 14th, 2013

Dear reader,

If you're still alive and reading this, I hope you have enough supplies to make it through the nights. Supplies like clothes, food, and weapons should always be around.

In the morning, I check on Keith. He looks slightly sick. The bullet must be slightly infected. I check on Riley and Nate. Both are fast asleep. I leave to the forest and hunt after starting up another fire.

By mid-afternoon, everyone is awake and has eaten the cooked meat. I decide to take a very long nap, only letting Carmen know.

Its nightfall when I wake up. I don't even know what had happened throughout the day, but I hope that nothing bad had happened. I sit up and look outside of my hut. A fire is going, but nobody is tending to it. I decide to keep myself warm by sitting next to the fire.

I guess I'll just...stay out here tonight, I thought drowzily. After another minute or so, I hear a hissing noise and grab the rifle and follow the noise.

Its a man. A dead man. His yellow teeth clack and I point ths rifle and shoot. Bang! Bang! Bang! He falls dead to the ground and for a split second I'm about to search him for goods, but then I stop myself and head back to camp where I force myself to stay up all night, on gaurd duty.


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