Day 68

16 1 0

Oct. 2nd, 2013

Dear reader,

As I've learned in life, your place in this Earth is very important. Don't end your life without atleast knowing your purpose for living.

It's Juliana again. I'm so thankful Nick saved me. It was this bottle of orange liquid he gave me. It destroyed my entire enternal organs and rebuilt them. So, I guess it's a life saver.

I'll never ever remember again what ever happened to me on that nasty day I died. But I'll always believed it happened because of my nasty new scars and my journal entries. The memory will always be like a story. A fable. A dream that I never had.

I left at dawn with Nick in the direction of the bar, Carmen and I had planned on heading to together.

It would take two days to reach it and when I did reach it, I would give up my journal of entries and let survivors out there like you read it and learn from my experiences.

After that, I would go back to living a life of survival until this apocalypse ends, without writing anymore entries.

We started to head toward the forest, a short cut across lots of roads that could be infested with the last surviving zombies.

We trecked without words. Only small hugs at times and breaks. We contenued our journey until night.

At night fall we slept in the trees and I kept my journal on my chest the entire sleep.


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