Day 28

34 0 0

August 23rd, 2013

Hello survivors! Did you just let out a breath of relief because we are still alive? We ended up sleeping in this huge field, where our scent would be hidden. We decided as well that we would get back to the house in the morning.

How were we going to do that? By kicking some zombie butt, ofcourse. We weren't going to just leave that place because

1) All our food storage is in there

2) Carmen would kill me

And mostly,

3) Carmen would kill me

So, by morning we all went back to the house and found absolutely every zombie in the kitchen. They had found that pig meat in my pack and were chowing down.

"Rotten corpses. They've probably ruined or infected everything in that pack." I say, staring at the unmentionables.

"Zombies like bacon." Nate says matter of fact like.

Bang! Bang! Two zombies were down. Seven more to go. Hey, now its your turn to do the answering! What type of zombie raided our house? Bingo! A Pack. Let me repeat that. A Pack.

After all the zombies were killed and barriers were built we all hang out with the broken piano.

"Carmen and Keith played the piano almost everyday. Now look at it. In the worse shape ever." Keith's dad grumbles.

"Quick and easy fix," Nate says touching a key, and accidently breaking it off the piano, "Oops."

"So, we just hang out until our hopes of Carmen and Juliana getting back come true?" Keith mumbles.

"Well. I don't know." I say. I really didn't know. I just hope that Juliana is the one that gives out the next move in our plan. We wouldn't all fit in this house once everyone got back. There was going to be a huge choice in the future; who stays and who goes.



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