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     * mikeys pov*

     I went back over and sat on the couch. Rays family was telling me about what was happening to Ray and what was in the book. Rays grandma grabbed my hand, then continued. "Ray won't be able to see ever again in color Mikey. He will only see in Black and white, except for an item with magic on them like the pendant around his neck. You guys could also die soon."

     "What! How and when? How do you know?"

     "Because the book says so. If you an Ray don't get married in the next 2 months, then you will both die together. You also can't marry him. He had to marry you or propose to you."

      "But, I'm to young to get married. He is too! Were both in high school. We're only 16 years old."

     "Well, says 16 but you are undead remember. Your life is connected to his life. If you don't get married to show your actually love force. That's your life force and keeps you alive. You can't live without him."

     "I know this Mr. Toro. I can't die on my own. I can only die if your son dies."

      "Exactly Mikey, he will learn all of this when he finished that book."

      Just then we all heard a creaking sound. Ray popped up in the doorway again. He walked up to me with teary  eyes. He got down on one knee and said, "Mikey, we've been friends for so long. We did a lot together. I brought you back after you died. The last couple months have been all over the place, but I love you so much. So Michael "Mikey" Way will you be kind enough to marry me?"

    I was so shocked. I shakes my head yes and began to cry. Ray stood up and slip a ring on my finger. A shock went thru my body. My eyes began to glow blue. Ray leaned in and kissed me passionately. Once we broke the kiss, I hugged him tightly. He put both his hands around my waist. I could barely see because of how bad I was crying. Our moment was ruined by a knock at the door. Ray quickly let me go  then told me go hide. I ran behind the couch as Rays mom awnsered the door. I saw her take a step back and 4 people walked in to the house. One of them was Brandon. He grabbed rays pendant and ripped it off his neck. Ray fell to the ground. Brandon crouched down beside him and said, "You think this puny little kid will be the next great one. He can't even do good magic. He also hasn't even did any of the things needed."

     Ray looked up at him and said, "your wrong Brandon. I've already brought someone back, I see artifacts like the one in your brothers left front pocket, and I'm engaged."

     "Ya right, and who did you bring back?"

     I then stood up and yelled me. Brandon quickly turned around and looked at me. "Oh, he brought back his puny  boyfriend. Wow your so scary Michael."

     I hated being called Michael. I walked around to the front of the couch. I grabbed rays pendant form Brandon's hand. I felt my eyes change and everything went black and white. I ran up and attacked Brandon's brother. I got super speed and  took out the other 2 guys. I then grabbed Brandon by the throat. "Don't touch my fiancé ever again. If you do you will be dead got it ?"

     Brandon shook his head yes. I dropped him to the floor as he grasped his throat for air. He grabbed his brothers and they ran out the door. Ray sat up and I ran over to him. I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him into a hug. He tightly hugged me back. I let go and saw his family staring at us. I quickly let go and got off the floor. I ran into the kitchen. Ray followed behind me. I sat his pendant back into his hand. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into a hug.

( I know this chapter is short sorry.
The next chapter is a week later and I didn't want to mix them)

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